1. Regarding PDFs: I think one of the biggest things that has really hurt the d20 PDFs is their absolute failure to actually take advantage of the OGL. As a PDF producer, all of our products are FULLY open (well, with the exception of the art)… not some piddly little 5% or whatever.

    Ideas are cheap.

    Sadly, instead of using good things from other people, we get endless variations of the same thing. So, instead of doing neat niche things that would fully justify PDF treatment, we get another monster book, another magic book, etc.

  2. Ah… we’re definately small-fry. The company is Heyoka Studios and we’re a small two-man operation who have put out a few d20 books. The biggest one was our first book, The Book of Curses.

  3. Let me add a little more… and endless variations add to stagnation. Everyone who plays D&D please raise you hand if you want to drop more money on more prestige classes or you think you don’t have enough magic and monsters for your campaign already? Instead of doing new things, its all covering the same ground.

    Lets be realistic. It is extremely unlikely that PDFs are ever going to threaten anyone producing print material so why compete? The big advantage that PDF offers is the ability to get something out there that wouldn’t be likely to make a profit using traditional print channels but a demand exists (or at least a percieved one does).

    Honestly, if you’re in PDFs to make bank (unless you’re Philip Reed or Monte Cook), you’re really in the wrong place.

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