Mongoose lays the Smackdown

In the March/April issue of Game Trade Magazine, there’s a product listing for Games Company Smackdown by Mongoose Publishing. Due in April for $19.95, it seems to be, well, a game about running a game company. Here’s the blurb:

Packed full of strategy and intrigue, Games Company Smackdown is a game of bluffing, tactics, and empire building where players attempt to release their game into the market whilst ensuring that their opponents run into setbacks and delays through the help of corporate spies, geek fanboys, and budding entrepreneurs.

From the listing, I can’t tell if this will be one of new boardgames Mongoose has planned, or if it’s an RPG supplement.


  1. Educational material for the geek fanboys who wants to know the business side of gaming. Kewl.

  2. Worth talking about though, and there’s been *zero* discussion about it under the GR story. No system is mentioned in the product description, so I’m wondering what type of game product this will be.

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