Pinnacle has a new update on their D20 adaptation of Deadlands. Included therein is a .pdf preview of the Gunslinger class, which will look familiar to both D&D and Deadlands players. That’s precisely what Pinnacle is going for.
In fact, the folks at PEG are getting such a great response from their D20 preparations that they plan to include stats for both systems, Deadlands and D20, in all their future Weird West books. Just goes to show that sometimes you can have your lead and eat it too.
Who You Gonna Call?
No, not Ghostbusters – – InSpectres, the modern horror RPG that takes “a fun jab at the .com industry of San Francisco.” The game’s new online supplement, Nightwatch, puts players in the role of reporters that specialize in the supernatural. So get out there and score that interview with Dracula. Wear a turtleneck.