First Rune Adventure Supplement Announced

When it Runes, it pours. Earlier today, the day after lauching our Rune RPG feature, Alex from Atlas Games let us know their plans for the first Rune adventure supplement. This August, Crouching Wizard, Smashing Hammer by Chris Aylott will reach aspiring Vikings everywhere. Here’s the details:

When the evil Red Wizard loosens his dark magicks on your village’s feasting day, your Horde is honor bound to pursue him to the ends of Midgard — all the way to Gruignir Mountain, home of a fearsome giant hungry for man flesh. Soon you will storm the Red Wizard’s keep, and he will learn how sharp your axes are!

The adventure will make use of the advanced game’s Plot Encounter rules to challenge players with interlinked adventure sections. Ice Wights, “animated corpses of Viking warriors who died lost in the cold,” will also make their debut. Gamers will get a first look at concept art from the new Halls of Valhalla expansion to the Rune computer game from Human Head Studios.