Friends And Foes Shipping, Diskwars Fixing, Dragonstar Dragging

FFG finally got the Lord of the Rings board game expansion Friends and Foes back from the printer, and is kicking it back out the door as fast as they can. It looks like the rebranded FFG version of last year’s award-winning (heh) board game will be going great guns in time for, uh, that movie. In other news, there’ll be a new Diskwars expansion if you want it bad enough: actually, anyone interested in the business of gaming should have a quick look at this page explaining how and when the Blood & Prophecy fixed non-random set will be printed. “Malarkey, or effective way?” Lastly, Fantasy Flight’s secret news page reveals that the Dragonstar Starfarer’s Handbook, the kickoff book of this highly anticipated D20 setting, now won’t hit stores until mid-December due to artwork not getting where it should, when it should. And that is all I have to say about that.

Vortex Rare Flats Exchange
Okay, maybe not quite all. If you have been buying Vortex, as you probably should be, and have been getting more of certain rare flats than you would like, you can mail them in, unpunched of course, to exchange them for others. Just include this PDF form, and make sure your flats are “in mint condition” (words which still cause me to twitch involuntarily).