Deadlands Reloaded peek at Pinnacle

The folks at Pinnacle have just posted a first look at Deadlands Reloaded. Rumored to be coming out next summer, Deadlands Reloaded will be a full-color, hardcover retrospective, telling the entire story of the Weird West in one volume. According to a column from last July, the new game will use the Savage Worlds system, and stay away from d20 or the original Deadlands system. Deadlands Reloaded will be a gorgeous book, as Shane Hensley made the concious decision to contract one artist for all 80+ pieces of color art, a mister Thomas Denmark. Citizen Games’ Way of the Witch also had art done exclusively by Thomas, and it remains one of the best looking d20 products out there. Plus, there’s the added bonus that some friends of mine and I got to pose in wild west clothing for some photos Tom’s using as inspiration for his art. That guy with the two guns, there? That’s Colin.


  1. Too bad they dropped support for DEADLANDS d20. Oh, well. There are always SIDEWINDER: WILD WEST ADVENTURES (and SIDEWINDER: RECOILED) and LINK: WEST d20 roleplaying games.

  2. not at all. DLd20 was a cash-in project. I got the distinct impression most of the PEG guys flat out didn’t like it. They did it to keep DL relevant while Savage Worlds was in development. And sense announcing DLR, they’ve been selling off Deadlands books. If you liked DLd20, the core book is only 12 bucks now. And the other source books go from 3-10 dollars. I cashed in for the few books I didn’t have.

  3. Well, I dunno. Blending Western genre with Horror Movie elements is not my preference. If the PEG guys don’t want d20, then maybe they should license out to a d20 publisher that do, and still earn a piece of the revenue. That way they most rules systems: Savage World, GURP, and d20.

  4. Dai: If they were out to make tons of cash only ,that might be the goal. I perfer to think, being that DL:R is being developed totally by one person, that it’s now an art project. The focus is on making Deadlands a concentrated, interesting enviorn in which to play within the best universal system available. In keeping with the Savage World’s concept – sell the core, have fans develop and maintain the world, the DL:R is simply compiling the Deadlands story (not just Wierd West, but also Wasted West and Way Out West) in one book (hopefully). In the end, it’s not the money. Deadland’s made money for it’s developers. Now it’s time to make the product the best on the market. Of course, I could just be blowing smoke out of my bottom. But I honestly feel this is now art. And money can’t purchase artistic integrity.

    Oh yeah, and BTW, DLd20, even if you don’t care for Horror-Western RPG, there are some REALLY good classes (the Rowdy is my favorite “statted medium importance NPC” class, and Scouts make great Ranger replacments) and my favorite d20 “fate intervention system” – the Fate Chip.

  5. I might come around to buying DLd20, but as a frugal gamer, I just don’t want to buy a whole product only to use one-half or less of the material. As for the “art project” and “artistic integrity” reason, forgive me but I’m skeptical about that part.

  6. I wish they would have stayed with the original Deadlands systems. I consider the system to be on of the original game’s strengths.

  7. I wish they would have stayed with the original Deadlands systems. I consider the system to be on of the original game’s strengths.

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