As it was held hostage for a time by real life woes and computer wackiness, we’re pleased to finally present this recently arrived refugee episode of the OgreCave Audio Report. Held over from just before the Christmas season, this episode hit right after the WizKids implosion, which Mike and I discuss along with the World of Warcraft Miniatures Game and numerous other subjects. We’ll have one more 2008 holdover episode before jumping into 2009 and a slightly revised show format, so watch this space over the next couple of days. Be sure to have a listen to all the stuff we’ve been saying, and tell us what you think of all this nonsense.
The boys are back in town! A nice surprise in my itunes, as I ran out of new content with my other casts.
Since there was a lot of speculation going on there re: Wiz Kids, I’d suggest you post a summary here or on the front page of what actually happened with the Wiz Kids IP (Pirates, Heroclix, etc.).
Is this a sign that ads are part of the new audio format?
We’re open to having an ad or two. But that’s not the format change I’m hinting at. You’ll see in a couple of shows – not a dramatic change, really, but certainly noticeable.
As for the WizKids summary, the last we heard was the announced alliance between Catalyst Game Labs and Piñata Games, in the hopes of claiming/licensing the WizKids game lines. Piñata hopes to take over operation of the HeroClix line, while Catalyst wants to continue developing products for ShadowRun and Classic Battletech – and in fact, Catalyst will continue to do so, under its previous licenses. But to my knowledge, that’s as far as things have gone. If we hear more, we’ll certainly let you know.