Fantasy Flight announces 2007 releases at GTS

Timed to reflect news from GTS, Fantasy Flight has announced (most of) the rest of its planned releases for 2007. Note the Mutant Chronicles CMG teaser predicting a September release, the StarCraft boardgame due in August (big GenCon title, no doubt), and Descent: The Road to Legend which will add campaign rules to the game.


  1. Now we can officially start the countdown to see how many of these actually hit in 2007!


  2. I love the Mutant Chronicles universe, and have a lot of the older minis. Unpainted though, as I seriously lack anything resembling painting skills.

    I was really happy when the plastic minis game was announced, even if the “collectible” aspect was a bit of a turnoff. I was thinking of buying a case at least, mostly to use for my role playing, but a solid strategy game would be welcome.

    But I just checked the link and the minis are 54mm!!! Sadly, I don’t think the bases will fit my mat or World Works stuff I’ve bought.

    Well, maybe I’ll buy a couple of boosters. 🙁

  3. I don’t know why, but I’m still hoping against hope that they will revive Dragonstar.

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