Black Ice Well and More Proof that I am Slow Monkeygod Enterprises has added some web only enhancements for their epic Black Ice Well supplement. The new information includes, Suggestions on how to scale down the adventure for lower level characters (Black Ice Well is written for 13-14th level characters).
Rio Grande Speaks Again
Rio Grande Games has released their thirty-fourth newsletter. The most immediate bit of excitement is the fact that Trans America, a new rail game, should be here within a week or so. Beyond that, most of the games described by the newsletter have already been announced, though the discussion of
Contemporary Combat, Palladium Style
Perusing my copy of Rifter 19, I noticed an ad for RECON Modern Combat. Scheduled for release later this month, it covers covert operations, counter-insurgency warfare, and anti-terrorist measures. Finally, after eighteen years of Heroes Unlimited, Palladium finally gets around to releasing rules for generating cops and soldiers. Also, Kevin
BE the Drow-With Wizards of
BE the Drow-With Wizards of the Coast Even with things coming apart at Wizards of the Coast lately, they have managed to produce one of the best supplements of the last twelve months. City of the Spider Queen is part of WotC’s Year of the Drow and is one whiz
Scary things that go Bump
Scary things that go Bump in the Night…and then Rip your Flesh Off! New from Pagan Publishing (home of the almighty Delta Green) is The Resurrected III: Out of the Vault, a collection of ten Call of Cthulhu adventure straight from the pages of the first ten issues of The
New Reviews: Assassins, Gun-Crazy Fools, and Siberia
We’ve got three new reviews for you today, a pair of d20 products and a fun download. First, Joe gives us his impressions of The Assassin’s Handbook from Green Ronin Publishing. Then Demian tells us a bit about Full Clip, the Hong Kong action RPG from Deep7. Finally, Orion picks
Another Thursday, Another HeroClix WizKidz
Another Thursday, Another HeroClix WizKidz Games has posted the next DC hero for the DC HeroClix: Hypertime game. This week’s treat, some eye candy in the form of Robin. Do you get some sort of negative hit bonus just because he is kind of creepy?
Free Adventure for Bluffside from
Free Adventure for Bluffside from your Friends at Thunderhead Thunderhead has posted a free, thirty page adventure for their Bluffside: City on the Edge campaign book. Right Under our Noses is the first adventure to be added to the Thunderhead Games extensive free download section. Designed as a one or
Early Look at Tome of
Early Look at Tome of Horrors Necromancer Games has posted a nice twenty page preview of the upcoming
Almost Definitely Not Rumor: WotC Layoffs And Possible Relocation
It’s , and they say they’ve got confirmation for all of it, despite not many things being attributed (there is this of the Star Wars RPG which confirms that there are layoffs going on, but doesn’t cover all the specifics). Wizards is laying off close to a hundred people, and
Interview: Tyranny Games
Joe Kushner continues his rampage of questioning through the D20 publishers with several inquiries made to Tyranny Games. Their monk guy wandering the hall at GenCon with a huge “The End is here” sign was one of the more amusing sights this year. And flights of lost angels sing you
Into Every Generation, a Typo is Printed
To properly support fans of the new rulebook, Eden Studios has posted updated errata for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG. To further assist the hordes of Slayers out there, a new FAQ is up as well. Go see if it answers the question of why Willow won’t give you
Freebies for the Rolemaster Faithful
Freebies for the Rolemaster Faithful Iron Crown (fresh from their battle with bankruptcy) has posted a nice eight-page PDF freebie for Rolemaster players: the Spacemaster Character Sheets from the Privateers rulebook. This is just part of the free download vault, which is worth a browse. While you’re there, make sure
0one Games Hires a Printer
0one Games Hires a Printer 0one Games, outstanding publisher of quality PDF adventures, has announced a deal with Viking Games to bring their Seven Avengers books to print. After showing the world how useful and impressive PDF products can be, 0one Games is following the lead of companies like Malhavoc
September Releases from Avalanche Press
September Releases from Avalanche Press The wargame masters of Avalanche Press have announced a few choice releases for this month. Instead of wargames though, all of these titles are for the d20 System: Eagles Of The Empire: Napoleon In The Desert: You can be Old Nappy himself. Be the one