by Lee Valentine

A Touch of Evil
Published by Flying Frog Productions
Designed by Jason C. Hill
2-8 players
I'm a fan of Flying Frog Production's zombie game Last Night on
Earth which I have previously reviewed here. So, I was
eager to try out the Frog's latest creation, A Touch of Evil
(ATOE), designer Jason C. Hill's second major release.
ATOE is a board game for 2-8 players, ages 12 and up. It's a
Gothic horror-style game set in the fictional Colonial era American
village of Shadowbrook. If you think of the Washington Irving tale "The
Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (and, in particular the Tim Burton film
Sleepy Hollow) then you are on the right track.
In ATOE, each player takes on the role of a monster hunter or
investigator who is new to Shadowbrook and has come to investigate a
series of untimely deaths and strange events. The characters each have
a couple of special abilities unique to them, and like a simplified
role-playing game, each features four attribute scores: Spirit
(representing a character's ability to interact with the spirit world
and stand up to supernatural fears), Cunning (representing problem
solving and guile), Combat (representing a character's skill in ranged
and melee combat), and Honor (representing a character's social status
and his courage when facing most earthly fears). While characters do
not officially start out with equipment of any kind, some of the
attribute scores and special abilities obviously represent items,
animals, allies, etc. which are intrinsic to the character and which
cannot be readily removed from the character during game play.
Game Overview
The game is played on a board which represents a figure-eight-shaped map
of the main roads and sites in Shadowbrook. At the center of the
figure-eight is the village center and town hall. Town hall is the
space where most characters start play.
At its heart, ATOE is a game of exploration and combat where
characters travel the board using a d6-based roll-and-move mechanic.
Characters interact with the spaces that they land on. There are three
basic types of spaces in the game: empty road spaces, village center
spaces which allow a player to draw an Event card and then optionally
use a special power on the board, and four other sites of interest: the
Manor, the Windmill, the Abandoned Keep, and the Olde Woods. Each of
these four sites has a customized deck of items and allies that
characters can collect, and frequent encounters which will test a
character's mettle.
Characters travel around the board trying to gather items and allies
that may be useful in their investigation or to aid them in their final
Showdown with "the Villain". There are four Villains that come with the
game: the Vampire, the Scarecrow, the Werewolf, and the Spectral
Horseman (read "headless horseman"). Each Villain has a variety of
special abilities which will harass the characters throughout the game
or, more commonly, which serve to give them special powers in combats
with the characters. Each Villain is strongly themed. For example, the
Scarecrow is an evil, animated construct with the power to control
swarms and flocks of creatures, including locust swarms and murders of
crows. His goal is to take over Shadowbrook by turning it into the
Colonial era equivalent of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. A fifth
villain, the Delion Dryad, was released online as a free PDF web extra
for fans.
Each Villain is served by a customized set of Minions who will harry our
intrepid monster hunters throughout the course of the game. For
instance, when the Spectral Horseman is not out collecting heads and the
souls of the fallen, ghostly soldiers and spectral hell hounds haunt
Shadowbrook. When a character encounters most types of minions, combat
immediately ensues. Like an RPG, ATOE has a basic task
resolution mechanic used to make attribute rolls and to engage in
combats. ATOE uses a d6-based dice pool system, where a number of
dice equal to a given attribute score (usually Combat in hand-to-hand
combat) plus any modifiers is rolled. Different challenges have
different difficulties, but typically the target number is 5, and so
every 5 or 6 rolled is one success (in an attribute test) or a hit (in
Characters have a number of hit points, or Wounds, that they can sustain
in the game before they are knocked out (generally 2-4 before adding
items and enhancements). When a character has taken his full allotment
of Wounds, he is knocked out and sent to town hall to recuperate,
skipping the rest of his turn (which usually means he doesn't encounter
the underlying board space the minion was protecting). Combat is very
dangerous in ATOE, because there is typically no defensive roll.
If your Combat score including enhancements is eight and you are facing
a Combat three Minion, he will damage you just as readily as if your
Combat score was a 1. Some characters can shrug off wounds, but most
can't and eventually need to be healed at the village's doctor's office.
Thankfully, though, our heroes are never killed in combat, only KO'd
for part of a turn, so all the players that started the game will finish
the game playing the same characters (unlike the more grisly Last
Night on Earth, where characters are so much fodder and players are
sometimes forced to draft a new character to continue play).
When characters aren't busy collecting items and allies they are busy
picking up leads and collecting points of Investigation. Investigation
is the common currency of the game. It is used to pay for a variety of
in-game effects and also doubles as money to buy items from the store at
the village's Blacksmith shop. Many cards and in-game effects leave
Investigation tokens on the board to be collected by any character that
lands on the Investigation and can make a successful Spirit or Cunning
check. Investigation is also commonly handed out in many of the
encounters at the sites of interest in the four corners of the board.
Finally, Heroes gain Investigation from killing off Minions of the
Villain. If a player accumulates enough Investigation his character may
acquire a musket with silver bullets (for the Combat specialists in the
game) or items like the "Tools of Science" which allow a character to
use his Cunning score in fights instead of his Combat score. I like
this latter option, as it allows for nominally non-combatants like
Johnny Depp's inspector character in Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow.
The game revolves around a series of growing investigations, combats,
and attempts to "buff up" one's character. Eventually a player is ready
to have his character enter a Showdown with the villain. To start the
Showdown a player must first purchase a Lair card from the Lair deck; an
Investigation cost is paid and one is drawn at random. The Lair deck is
an assortment of cards featuring all the named locations on the board.
Each Lair card also provides special rules that will concern the
Showdown and a fixed cost in Investigation that must be paid to start
the Showdown (this cost is in addition to the cost to purchase the Lair
card itself). Lair cards have a variable cost to draw them. Early in
the game, the cost is typically 12, far too high for characters to
initially afford. Late in the game, the Investigation cost to purchase
a Lair goes all the way down to one point. Purchase your Lair, go to
the space listed on the Lair cost, pay the fixed Showdown cost listed on
your Lair card, and prepare to fight. Did I mention that you should
pray a little too? Why? While the game has a cooperative mode of play,
the default mode of play is competitive. This competition does not come
in the form of players thieving from each other or fighting each other's
Heroes. Instead, many of the Event cards that can be collected in the
town center and some outlying roads spaces on the board allow players to
buff up the villain, allow the villain to escape (canceling the
showdown), or force the hero to drop a much needed item at an
inopportune moment.
While your fellow players are out to get you in the competitive game
mode, your hero may find some Showdown help from the Town Elders. At
the beginning of the game six cards representing prominent town elders
are dealt to the table, and each is dealt a Secrets card. You can bring
up to two Town Elders to the Showdown with you, and they will grant you
special powers in the Showdown if you win them over. But be careful and
pay some Investigation early in the game to snoop on the Secrets of
those Town Elders because some of them may actually be Evil Elders,
either slavish servants of the Villain or in control of the Villain
himself. Special rules allow your fellow players to force the Evil
Elders to unmask themselves and join the Villain during the Showdown.
As if fighting the Villain alone wasn't bad enough, now he has help.
The tension and pressure in the game are kept up through a time limit,
established by a combination of two mechanisms in the game: the Mystery
deck and the Shadow Track. At the end of each Game Round (one turn for
each player), a card is drawn from the Mystery deck. Typically this
will generate effects which kill a town elder, put a minion on the
board, buff the villain permanently, or create an environmental
condition which will haze the players for the remainder of the game.
Commonly, the Mystery deck will also generate effects which move the
Shadow Track toward Darkness. The Shadow Track starts at 20 and when it
is driven to 0, metaphysical Darkness has fallen over the town and the
Villain wins the day. In the competitive mode of play there is little
difference for the Heroes, other than the cost to purchase Lair cards,
whether the Shadow Track is on 20 or 1. In the cooperative game, the
Villain gets increasingly more powerful as the Shadow Track heads toward
Darkness. In my experience, the Shadow Track makes the game last 60
minutes to 2.5 hours.
The rulebook itself is a gorgeous glossy, full-color 28-page
saddle-stitched booklet. It's close to 8.5" x 11". If I have anything
really negative to say about the game, it is the rulebook's structure
and content, not its look and feel. In spite of the game having basic
and advanced rules, cooperative and competitive rules, and a team play
variant, there was no table of contents and, more importantly, no
topical index. Given that the rulebook's organization occasionally
leaves something to be desired, a detailed index would have been greatly
appreciated. While the rulebook might lead you to believe otherwise,
the game is easy to pick up and runs well with even one rules-familiar
individual to handle the minutiae, particularly in cooperative play.
Also, the game designer was not particularly tight on the wordings on
some cards and even left an important rule or two out of the rulebook.
This meant that I spent time online searching for an FAQ file and asking
questions in a forum before I could handle all the nuances of the game -
I didn't need to do this just to get the game up and running, but I had
to do this to learn about less commonly occurring card interactions.
ATOE is easy to house rule, so this may be less of a concern for
non-rules lawyers than it was for me. Thankfully, designer Jason C.
Hill maintains a strong online presence so I usually get my questions
answered quickly.
I wasn't always impressed with the organization of the rulebook, but
there's a lot of meat in here, including a variety of ways to play
depending on the audience and number of players. While primarily
intended as a competitive game, a small variety of additional rules and
a simple chart turn this game into a solid cooperative game. While the
rules don't mention it, one player can easily pilot two characters and
play the game solo as well. Unfortunately, some of the rules additions
for cooperative play do not scale well, and so the cooperative game is
probably best played with 2, or at most 3, players. In competitive play
I think the game could easily handle 4 players without bogging down, as
the game moves along at a fairly good clip, pausing only for the
occasional combat. For the game to really effectively handle 5 to 8
players, the game includes rules for team play. Teammates cooperate
with each other but compete against opposing teams. I liked this
variety of options to handle different numbers of players. The game
also features some optional Showdown rules to increase the game's
difficulty level, allowing for a lot of replay value.
The game's rules include both a basic and advanced mode of play.
Primarily the differences are that in the basic mode the Villain has
fewer special abilities, there are fewer types of Minions, the kinds of
Minions are simplified, picking up Investigation of the board requires
no attribute check in the basic game, and a few cards and effects are
removed from play. While you might need the basic mode to introduce
non-gamers to ATOE, my non-gaming wife dove right into the advanced game
with me, without reading the rulebook, and she only had a little
difficulty. Given that my wife, as a non-gamer geek, doesn't like
overly-complicated games and likes ATOE, I think this speaks volumes
about the overall playa
Comparisons to Arkham Horror
Readers familiar with the Fantasy Flight Games board game Arkham
Horror will probably suspect based on the review thus far that much
of this game is a clone of Arkham Horror. Mechanically the two
are cousins, but ATOE is not a copy of Arkham Horror with
the serial numbers filed off. ATOE is faster and lighter to play.
I have found that if one player knows the rules for ATOE the
game can easily be played in co-op mode with a couple of beginners to
show them the ropes and teach them the rules on the fly. This is much
more doable with ATOE than with Arkham Horror.
ATOE also features cards with less text per card and often larger
font sizes than Arkham Horror, making the game flow more quickly.
Creative use of artwork on cards helps to identify them after multiple
plays, allowing ATOE to be played with minimal reading of cards
after you get enough games under your belt. While both Arkham
Horror and ATOE attempt to create a story with a strong theme, the
narratives that come out of ATOE are far more coherent and have a
specific cast of characters. Arkham Horror achieves that level of
narrative success only with some of its smaller themed expansions.
A major difference between Arkham Horror and ATOE is the
way Minions are handled. In Arkham Horror there is a huge array
of random monsters that can pop up, generally wholly unrelated to the
extra-dimensional world they wandered out of. They go in a big cup and
are draw randomly. Their combat abilities are listed as tiny symbols on
the back of the counter in a small font. In ATOE there is a specific
set of themed Minion counters that are associated with the villain. You
set these to one side of the table (for later use) and roll on a chart
that lists both the Minion counter to put on the board and that Minion's
combat statistics. While some may feel that the chart lookup is "old
school", as a person with some visual impairment I felt it was much
easier to read and interpret a chart (printed at about 8.5" x 5.5") that
can be passed around the table than it is to scrutinize the backs of
tiny counters. Also, given that the Minion encounters are less diverse
and more narratively themed in ATOE, it's much easier to memorize the
combat stats of the monsters in ATOE for a single session than it is in
Arkham Horror.
Finally, having played Arkham Horror a couple of times, I was
turned off by the lack of interesting choices that I had available to
me. Frequently the strategy was obvious. When playing ATOE I feel that
my decisions are more important and they are not always obvious,
particularly in competitive play where timing given plays really matters
a lot. This is not to say that either Arkham Horror or ATOE have
enormous strategic depth. Rather I would say that Jason C. Hill, ATOE's
designer, does much of what Arkham Horror intends to do (other than
feature a Cthulhu Mythos theme), and does it better than Arkham does, at
a lower price point, and with a game board and components that won't
demand the vast table real estate that Arkham Horror demands. Arkham
Horror is better in one way - it scales a bit better in cooperative
play up to a larger number of players. However, as ATOE is primarily a
competitive game, and has a variety of ways to play with different
numbers of players, I don't think this was a serious detraction for me.
Components and Packaging
Flying Frog's games feature high quality components. ATOE is no
different, with thick cards, thick counters, and glossy color printing.
Unlike Last Night on
Earth which had many plastic zombie miniatures, here monsters
are primarily represented by high end counters and only the Heroes rate
plastic miniature figures. As with Last Night on Earth, the many cards
in this game each feature a nice piece of color photography of actors in
genre-appropriate costumes. Some of the same actors from Last Night on
Earth take on new characters in this game. There are illustrations mixed
in as well, particularly on those counters featuring some of the
Minions. The mix of illustration and photography in the same game was
not particularly a distraction as the color palette was comparable and
the photos are already heavily "Photoshopped". Some cards even combine
both photos and illustrations. A lot of the photos and costumes do give
the product a grade B movie feel, particularly the shots of the
Nosferatu-esque Vampire. However, I didn't feel that the style for the
most part detracted from the product, and I expected the style used
because I own Last Night on Earth. The grade B
horror theme is something of a key element of Flying Frog's trade dress
at this point.
There were a few problems with the components. As with Last Night on
Earth, the cards felt initially like they were shrink wrapped too soon
after receiving their press coats and tended to stick together. This
required me to individually hand separate cards one-by-one to play the
first time and that took quite a while. However, once hand-separated,
the cards looked great and shuffled reasonably well. While the
production quality was high, quality control was an issue, and I had 5
or 6 factory damaged cards that I had to ask for replacements for. Once
I found the right email address at Flying Frog I got quick service on
replacements, much to their credit. The trim size of the replacement
cards I received was very slightly different than the originals - not
enough to mark them, but just enough so that I can feel the difference
when I shuffle the cards.
The real star of the show here is the board itself. The board is a bit
small and can become crowded with counters, but I think this is a worthy
tradeoff to keep down on the table real estate it takes to play a game
like this. The board looks gorgeous, is quite functional, and is
trivial to navigate and memorize. It is a quad-fold board with a black
gloss black. The face of the board features a golden parchment colored
undertone with black ink on top. The level of detail of the board is
astounding, and each area of it gets a lot of attention to detail, down
to individual blades of grass, small animals, trees, and buildings.
The packaging was attractive, but had a few problems. I had the game
shipped to me (I got it as a birthday present from my wife). The box
lid didn't seem to take transit will, and showed up with some damage,
although that may be more attributable to the shipper than to Flying
Frog. One of my major complaints about the game was the size of the box
- it just wasn't large enough to reasonably contain the game after I
punched it out. There are hundreds of components in the game, many of
them counters, and so the game counters practically beg to be separated
out and stored in gripseal bags. I have a supply of those luckily,
because none were supplied with the game. Once bagged, the game no
longer fit back in the box well; the lid no longer closes down fully. I
have purchased a 16 card promotional expansion for the game, and after
purchasing even that tiny expansion the cards no longer wholly fit
inside the card wells in the box. The box exterior is full color with
samples of the game art on the front and sides of the box, with pictures
of actual components. I think this box does a good job of selling
itself and included all the relevant information I was looking for.
As with Last Night on Earth, this game features a themed
soundtrack on CD to play in the background while you are playing the
game. While the production values weren't exceedingly high on the CD,
and while much of the instrumentals were synthesized, it was a nice
addition. While there were some overly techno elements to some of the
music, in general the soundtrack is a better match for this game than
the one the same composer, Mary Beth Magallanes, produced for Last Night
on Earth. Some of the choral vocals on here were quite spooky. While I
wouldn't give the music a solid "A" overall, I'll give it an "A" for
effort. Since I don't normally expect a CD of music in my games, this
didn't detract from the game experience and could add to the experience
for some gamers. Unfortunately the box was small enough that I had to
pull the CD out to fit my bagged components back in the box.
As a point of fun trivia, take note of the Flying Frog logo on the
packaging. The standard Flying Frog mascot has bird wings. The Flying
Frog from Last Night on Earth was zombified. This time he has vampire
bat wings.
I had some concerns about the size of the packaging, and particularly
the clarity and completeness of the rules governing uncommon situations.
However, in terms of replay value (including the obvious solo play
option that goes unmentioned in the rules), I give this game very high
marks. The theme is deepest in the cooperative mode of play due to the
increased number of Minions on the board, and an ever-strengthening
Theme aside, as a pure game, three to five player competitive play is
where the game really shines. There are limited in-game resources on
the board and in the town store at the Blacksmith's shop, so in
competitive play players will have to balance out "buffing up" their
characters to the max with getting in on a Showdown before the
competition does.
I have really enjoyed the games I have played of ATOE. Since I have
gotten this game it has been in extremely heavy rotation, and the
components have held up nicely. I like the fact that, unlike other
story-oriented board games of its ilk, ATOE uses a CCG-style decoration
of one unique picture per card that really acts as a great mnemonic aid
while playing. Since I have some visual impairment, this makes it much
easier to play than some other board games in my collection.
As a gamer with a non-gamer spouse, I am happy to say that this
definitely passes the "will the wife play it with me" test. I've also
had a good time playing this game solo in spite of it having less
strategic depth as a solo game than something like Pandemic.
A Touch of Evil is the right game for a lot of different
situations. If you somehow play this game to death and are looking for
something more, the board even features a Crossroads space at the edge
of the board to attach the upcoming Something Wicked expansion set. I
like this game enough that I will definitely be picking up that
expansion. I already have purchased the 14 card mini-expansion The
Madness, and I will review that soon.
I hope you'll give ATOE a chance. I really enjoy the game.
Compared to other narrative horror board games like Betrayal at House on
the Hill and Arkham Horror, I think this simply has more replay value
for less work, decreasing the play time and increasing my overall
enjoyment of the game. For now, it's time to take a break from gaming
to go rent and watch Sleepy Hollow again.
For Retailers
Given that Colonial Gothic has less of a built in draw to gamers than
flesh-eating zombies, I don't expect A Touch of Evil to be the hot
seller that Last Night on Earth was nationwide, but I think it will sell
well enough. Flying Frog Productions does a great job of promoting
their products online and at conventions. Some of their convention
appearances even feature the costumed actors from the game.
If you run demos make sure that the person running the demo is fully
familiar with the rules and, ideally, that he runs full-length games.
During any given five minute span of this game there's some flavor, but
not always a lot of tension. The true experience of the narrative
flavor and tension that ATOE provides comes from playing the full-length
game. To do a short demo, break out the components (or do a
back-of-the-box demo) and talk about the overall game play. The
components will really sell this game, so ideally keep a demo copy on
It's easy to pitch this game. It's got a solid, interesting theme and a
good look. If you handsell this to Arkham Horror fans, ATOE may not
replace their mainstay Arkham game, but they might buy this game and put
it into rotation in their gaming group to mix things up. Certainly
pitch this to your customers who bought Last Night on Earth; while the
games are very different from each other, love for the Flying Frog may
help sell a few copies of this game as well.
Lee's ratings:
Overall: B+
Gameplay: A- (lots of ways to play, solid replay value, nice overall experience)
Rules Clarity: B (good for most things, but lacking on less common rules questions, really could use an index for first time players)
Rules Complexity: Mid-weight (particularly in co-op mode playable by one experienced player helping out a small group of novices)
Component Quality: A- (fantastic components with a few that needed replacing from the publisher)
Packaging: B- (insufficient bags, a box that's too small for bagged components)
Retailer Saleability: B (B+ if handsold to Arkham Horror and Last Night on Earth enthusiasts)
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