We’ve got a trio of OgreCave Gaming News Update podcast episodes just posted from our trip up to Seattle for PAX, the Penny Arcade Expo 2009. First up, our bi-weekly update mentions a few PAX highlights (though this will be nothing compared to our upcoming PAX ’09 Audio Report episode). Then we have an interview with Will Schoonover of Steve Jackson Games, who tells us all about the current state of things for the company, and describes the upcoming Nanuk in full detail. Finally, we had a chat with Matt Forbeck about his Guild Wars novel, all the other projects he has a hand in these days, and his thoughts on PAX, the industry, and bygone companies. Have a listen, let us know what you think, and be sure to check back for more.
iTunes believes your podcast URL is:
which is causing a bit of an issue for new subscribers. 🙂
iTunes seems fully caught up with what we’ve posted.
Also, how do you even get iTunes to tell you what it thinks the feed URL is? (iTunes: worst Apple software ever.)
1. Subscribe to a podcast from iTunes store (preferably on a PC that hasn’t subscribed to it before).
2. Go to Podcast section of iTunes and right click on the podcast and select Copy Podcast URL.
3. Open Notepad and Edit -> Paste.
Result (for Ogrecave Audio Report on my PC):