Green Ronin has just posted a preview of Plot & Poison: A Guidebook to Drow. Lurking inside are two Prestige Classes, the Master Summoner and the Spell Addict, as well as a new creature and five martial arts styles. Continuing GR’s Races of Renown line, Plot & Poison will provide
Category: D20
Goings-on at Goodman Games
Goodman Games has posted detailed previews of its February releases, Complete Guide to Treants and Dungeon Crawl Classics #1: Idylls of the Rat King, both due to hit stores in February 2003. In Treants, you’ll “learn about the dark side of treants: fury, hatred, revenge, and the charred, undead creatures
Mongoose to produce Conan and Lone Wolf RPGs
This morning, Matthew Sprange sent out the following announcement on the Mongoose Publishing email list: Mongoose Publishing is proud to announce the acquisition of the Conan licence, to be released in January 2004 (I said it was for the future!). We have the entire vista of Conan and his world
Quintessential Druid web enhancement
Mongoose Publishing has another free web enhancement to offer up, this time for Quintessential Druid. The PDF contains a free chapter of the book that had to be cut out for lack of space. Ever thought Druids should be more adapted to the terrain they live in? Then this is
Monsters of Norrath hits stores
The grand experiment continues over at Sword & Sorcery, where the second installment of the Everquest RPG has already gone out and arrived in stores. The book in question, Monsters of Norrath, provides beasts for the game, something sorely lacking with just the EQ Players’ Guide on the market for
Chains and Misery, without Jacob Morley
Chains and Misery has just been released by Skald Books. No, it has nothing to do with Dickens. Instead, it’s a 2.6 Mb PDF for Skald’s Maidenheim Campaign Setting, or any d20 System game, really. Chains and Misery dives into how slavery works “as a legitimized social institution rather than
Another glimpse of WarMech
Our friends over at ENworld are showing off a 2-page preview from WarMech – Armageddon 2089. The game’s on Mongoose‘s schedule for a March ’03 release, but between this and the background preview, you should be getting a fair idea of what to expect.
Quintessential Samurai art preview
To whet our appetites for next month’s Quintessential Samurai, the guys at Mongoose Publishing have posted an art preview. A few tatoos, an attractive female samurai, and a whole lot of katanas fill the six page PDF. Have a look.
Necromancer provides alternative to white or dark meat
Necromancer Games have a pair of d20 downloads to help keep your game going through the holiday weekend. The first is a free Thanksgiving module, Feast of the Gobbler by Casey W. Christofferson, which spans 29 pages and 5.4 mb. The adventure’s for 4-6 characters of 3rd – 5th level,
Things Just Get Eldritchier
Not only has Book of Eldritch Might III: The Nexus just been released to an excellent response, but Monte Cook’s Malhavoc Press has also completed a free patch upgrade for the original Book of Eldritch Might. What does the patch include? Well, according to the Malhavoc website, you can expect:
Unusual Treasures limited run announced
Phil Reed has gathered his three d20 PDFs together into a single print version called The Book of Unusual Treasures. Only 100 copies of the book are being made, combining and expanding the information from 101 Spellbooks, 101 Mundane Treasures, and 101 Arcane Spell Components. The book is 100+ pages,
Gun-Toting made easy by Green Ronin
Green Ronin has just posted an 8-page PDF preview of next month’s Ultramodern Firearms d20. Leading the way in the wave of d20 Modern supplemental products, the 160-page hardcover book reprints and updates the original Ultramodern Firearms by Charles Ryan (who worked on the Wheel of Time RPG and d20
Another Helping of Beasts
Because you can never have enough creatures to harass your players with, another d20 company has formed to bring you even more. DreamReality Press is seeking playtesters for its upcoming product Encyclopedia of Monsters Vol.1. Those who are interested can download the NDA and playtest guidelines from the company’s website,
Green Ronin bringing Bloody Bastards, and more
Green Ronin Publishing has posted some details of a few upcoming d20 releases, including the second RPG product to have “bastards” in the title in the past year or so (bonus points if you remembered the other one). The products GR announced were: Pocket Magica (February ’03 release) Mutants &
Way of the Witch ships tomorrow
Our buddy Michael Eckert, President of Citizen Games, has just informed us that Way of the Witch will ship out tomorrow to stores everywhere. This d20 sourcebook is one I’ve been looking forward to. Written by popular industry authors Jean Rabe, Janet Pack, Christina Stiles, and Megan Robertson, Way of