OgreCave Gaming News Update

OgreCave GNU – DunDraCon 35 (Darren Watts/Hero Games & IPR)

by on Mar.10, 2011, under Convention coverage, GNU episode, Interviews

Recorded at DunDraCon 35, this Gaming News Update gets the annual update from Darren Watts, though now in addition to his Hero Games responsibilities he also serves as President of Indie Press Revolution. DunDraCon tradition demands we hear all the knowledge Darren wishes to impart, so listen attentively! Darren describes the Hero System Sixth Edition Equipment Guide and Villains 2, then smoothly transitions to his IPR hat as he mentions the highlights from his “What’s Hot” seminar with Ken Hite: Fiasco (Bully Pulpit Games), Blowback (Two Scooters Press), The Dresden Files (Evil Hat Productions), Smallville and Leverage (Margaret Weis Productions), and other topics. (Many of these hot items were in our latest OgreCave Christmas Gift Guide, by the way.)

Be sure to visit OgreCave’s Facebook page to check out our DunDraCon 35 image gallery, and become a fan of OgreCave to keep hearing about other cool stuff we’re up to.

Our OCAR 2.0 promo bumper rounds out the episode. Yes, the OgreCave Audio Report will return. Soonish.


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