by Demian Katz

Cthulhu Gloom
Published by Atlas Games (2011)
Designed by Keith Baker
Illustrated by Todd Remick
Contents: 20 character cards, 54 modifier cards, 11 event cards, 20 untimely death cards, 5 story cards, plus instructions
2-5 players
The Gloom franchise, in which players compete to visit the
greatest possible disasters and tragedies upon their unfortunate
characters, has been around for several years now, and I have somewhat
mixed feelings about it. The game has the right sense of dark humor to
amuse me – the Edward Gorey influence is very apparent – and many
of the cards are quite funny. The transparent plastic cards (which
allow effects from earlier cards to stay in play as long as they are
visible through the cards played on top of them) are an interesting
novelty. The fundamental problem, though, is that I find the actual
gameplay rather mechanical – the game consists mostly of playing
bad modifiers (worth negative points, which are good) on your own
characters while playing good modifiers (worth positive points, which
are bad) on opponents' characters. There are event cards and other
special effects to add a little variety, but it's largely an exercise in
arithmetic and pushing one's luck. It's a good enough framework to hang
the jokes from, and you can stretch it further if your gaming group is
of a storytelling bent, but the game doesn't have much staying power
once its humorous potential has played out.
Given that I enjoyed the process of playing out the humorous potential
of the original Gloom (and a couple of its expansions) a few
years ago, I was pleased to hear that a Lovecraftian variation of the
game had been released. Sure, the market for Cthulhu-themed humor is
nearly as oversaturated as that for lighthearted zombie romps these
days, but the subject matter is a perfect fit for the Gloom
system, and Gloom at least has a good enough track record for
humor to guarantee some chuckles. As I had rather suspected, all of my
expectations were met, but none were exceeded.
What's New
The first question in looking at Cthulhu Gloom is "what does it
bring to the franchise?" The answer is "Cthulhu, and not much else."
The basic Gloom gameplay is unchanged from the original, and
apart from the relatively trivial addition of travelling "story cards"
(which resemble similar mechanics from some of the original game's
expansions), there's really nothing new here. You probably couldn't get
away with using this as an expansion to the base game since some of the
icons are different, but the changes are really only cosmetic. This
isn't necessarily a bad thing – it is not the job of a themed game
variant to reinvent the game – but don't expect any thrilling new
mechanics to spice up the system.
Of course, far more important than the mechanics are the story elements,
and these show loving attention to detail. There are four new
"families" (Miskatonic University, The Whateleys, Village of Innsmouth
and Arkham Sanitarium), and plenty of theme-appropriate modifiers,
events and (of course) untimely deaths. Jokes range from the obvious
("...Had Too Many Tentacles") to the rather obscure ("...Worried About
Whippoorwills," which makes more sense if you've read The Dunwich
Horror). In many cases, witty flavor text beautifully complements
the card headings. I laughed out loud several times during my first
game, and I'll refrain from spoiling any of the fun for you. The usual
style of cartoony artwork helps to set the proper tone, and it is
consistently well-executed throughout the deck.
So is it all worth it? We've got a so-so game with well-executed jokes
in a somewhat tired market segment. That's not the highest of
recommendations, but it is undeniably funny, especially if you're
a Lovecraft enthusiast. If you've already tried Gloom and didn't
like it, this won't change your mind... but if you've been wanting to
explore the franchise, this is as good a place to start as any. For my
part, I don't expect to play this very often, but if I manage to space
out my plays far enough that I forget the jokes, I'll probably manage to
get laughs out of this for many years to come.
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