The latest issue of The Shadowrun Supplemental is available for download here.This issue was delayed slightly by the news that FASA is closing up shop, which prompted a last minute update. Freeport in Focus Again Green Ronin Publishing has posted a new episode of Focus on Freeport. A look at
Month: February 2001
Troll Lord at Visioncon
Troll Lord Games, a company that’s developing products for the D20 system, will be in full effect at Visioncon. Anyone near Springfield, MO, on Presidents’ Day weekend should be made aware of this. That is all.
Lost Colony RPG Delayed
Though the CCG has been out for a while now, the Lost Colony RPG is still a no-show. While I was working at, I inquired about setting up a preview feature for the game, and was asked to check back in a month or two. The latest update on
The Politics Of Dancing – No, Actually The Economics of RPG Design
I’m not a big RPG guy, but that news about adding “mystical gateways” to the Forgotten Realms canon is interesting. Yes, it will unbalance campaigns that get crazy with them, but for some campaigns it may be the balance they want. But that’s not what I’m thinking about.
De Planes! De Planes!
If you berks didn’t know the Planescape setting is alive and well, you obviously didn’t count on the fans. Since the Planescape line had ceased production, was the place citizens of Sigil frequented. Not for long, though, as will be stepping in as the new official site of
Oh look, a Magic Door
Nearly every fantasy setting, from the Ultima series’ Britannia to the Wheel of Time, makes use of mystic portals. The principal characters need to see the key events that drive the plot, even if those events are thousands of miles apart. I’ve made use of various types of portals myself.
For those who have lives
For those who have lives and therefore don’t pay any attention to Slashdot, they had an intriguing discussion on zero-sum games today.
Wingnut Games at Visioncon
Aldo Ghiozzi, owner/founder of Wingnut Games, will be a special guest at Visioncon this President’s Day weekend. Wingnut is best known for wacky games like Battle Cattle (a personal favorite of mine). Aldo’s looking for Wingnut fans to run demo games at the con while he mans the booth, so
Seriously this time: watch this space
Seriously this time: watch this space in the coming weeks. We’ve got some more free time now. where to buy levitra cheap