First, a public apology. A few years ago, Andy Kitkowski, publisher of Tenra Bansho Zero and co-publisher of MAID RPG, sent us a review copy of MAID and was very flattering in a note he attached to it. We’ve felt for a while that we let him down by not
Author: Mike Sugarbaker
In case anyone’s taking our silence as assent, rather than just the usual state of things around here
So… GamerGate. Yeah. F**k those guys.
D&D Next and limits to growth
From a somewhat disturbing post over on Story Games: And yet another different D&D freelancer friend said: “This is why D&D 4E is called an indie game. It tells you how to play. Many of us know that the rules are better than they have ever been design wise but
So I guess there’s also gonna be an old D&D
Yesterday Wizards announced they’ll be reprinting the 1st Edition AD&D core books in new collectible (in the pre-Magic sense of the word, thanks) editions this April. We can only assume that the choice of reprinting this particular edition, rather than the white box or something else you can’t readily find
So I guess there’s gonna be a new D&D or something
Taste the excitement. For those who missed, D&D Next (that’s all they’re calling it thus far) has been announced, and an open playtest set to begin in the spring can be yours if you go click on one of a selection of shiny red buttons. Here’s what I had to
2011 in games (or: I resolve to remember to post)
Risk Legacy is the game of the year. I know, I know, but: even if the persistent nuisance of the core Risk die mechanic isn’t something you can overlook, think of the effect that Legacy will have on future games from (the wealthier amongst) other game publishers. Specifically, imagine what
Apocalypse World and The Checklist Manifesto
For those who haven’t heard about it, Apocalypse World is a new game by Vincent Baker, creator of Dogs in the Vineyard. It’s about an unspecified apocalypse, the crazy psychic maelstrom and paranormal smear it left over everything, and PCs that look like a sexified cross between the casts of
The mere mortal’s guide to learning Universalis
Universalis is renowned as a breakthrough and a touchstone for modern story gamers. A generic, GMless game that still injects urgency and flavor into the proceedings, without a lot of rule-handling time, is something a lot of groups have been waiting for. Unfortunately, when some of those groups get their
This just in from This Just In From Gen Con, Sunday 12PM 2010
Looking forward to the inevitable late-night recap episode, but here are our notes for the supposed last TJI of the year, with guests Monte Cook, Robin Laws, and Eddy Webb. The White Wolf party apparently exceeded expectations. Again with the Iron Tyrants! The 5-2-1 rule, expert mode for the 3-2-1
This just in from This Just In From Gen Con, Saturday 11AM 2010
Continuing the TJI adventure: Sandstorm, the new publishers-facilitators-whateverers of Eclipse Phase as well as… Poo. Apocalypse World Steal Away Jordan The D&D “Never Split The Party” contest GlowFly Games, who I think are set to publish Globalization? DC Adventures from Green Ronin. Also Dragon Age and Song of Ice and
This just in from This Just In From Gen Con, Thursday 5PM 2010
Sorry, I was in the bathroom. Here we go! Again, the Adventure Burner and the Parsely Pack. Things We Think About Games, The Bones, and Robin Laws’ Hamlet’s Hit Points. Happy Birthday, Robot! (Note to others who want to see what games will come out of Kickstarter: remember Perfect?
This just in from This Just In From Gen Con, Thursday 11AM, 2010
I love contexts where you can just say “It’s Thursday, 11AM, 2010,” and everyone knows when you mean. So yeah, it’s on once again: This Just In From Gen Con is in live-from-the-show mode, and we’re doing notes. If you’re new here, shame on you! welcome! Here goes: Dresden Files
WotC PR breaks losing streak with D&D Encounters
I never thought I’d hear first about a D&D organized-play initiative from CNN. (Well, I guess technically I heard from Mike Mearls’ Twitter feed, but that’s 2010 for you. I sure don’t mean to suggest that CNN is relevant in the bigger scheme of things.) This piece completely reads like
Let’s talk some more about the Dresden Files RPG
What’s amazing is how much difference some room makes. I’ve grown accustomed to reading games on digest-sized pages or not much bigger; a full-sized book gives rules text and (crucially) examples the opportunity to be next to each other. It’s a small thing, but it really makes a text easier
May a fifth be with you – tequila or something else, doesn’t matter
Catching up with some news: Green Ronin announces DC Adventures RPG on the Mutants and Masterminds engine. Great for GR, but I’m trying to imagine DC-owned characters I’d want to play with, and the only one coming to mind is the Spirit, which I don’t think really counts. Not feeling