Well, as I’m sure you all know by now, this Thursday the 25th marks the release of a major new piece of software that some say is a godsend and a breakthrough, others say will waste untold hours of computing productivity, and virtually all agree is an extension of America’s
Category: Board Games
Risk 2210 A.D. First Look
For all I know, Allan’s still stuck in Oakland Airport, cell phone dead and out of quarters, reduced to trying to sneak some stale breakfast bacon out of the dumpsters. Or he’s at Gen Con, either unable to get online or too busy with his special top secret work to
Sack Armies Headed to Stores
Hope you had a good Fourth. Let’s see, what’s going on… Tyranny Games announced that Sack Armies is ready to ship to retailers. The final, high-quality color printing should be quite a sight. We’ll have more on Sack Armies soon. Warhammer 40K Preview Decks Available for Download Sabertooth Games has
Vampire Man Heading Into Space
A few more tidbits for ya as a birthday gift (my birthday, not yours). Enjoy. 🙂 In an interview over at Games Unplugged, Vampire creator Mark Rein*Hagen speaks briefly about the new game he’s working on with his new company, Atomoton. Called Zero-Gravity (Z-G), the new game is described as
Frag Beta Capsule Review
In the PC gaming world, you have to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on hardware and software to deathmatch effectively, and you have to sign NDAs up the wazoo to review a beta. In our world, a beta version of Frag cost us $12, and we don’t have to
Blank White Awesomeness
Now this is totally my style: I Want My 1000 Blank White Cards. Who else out there used to set up all of their board games on the floor of the family room at once and just kind of let their Monopoly pieces wander all over? You know you want
From Reality Storms to Camel Racing
In the mid ’90s, Omni Gaming Products made a valiant effort to purchase the Torg licence from West End Games. Their ideas for Torg would have set the game back on course, repairing the ugliness that had accumulated in the official campaign. However, monetary issues stopped OGP from releasing more
Wingnut Games at Visioncon
Aldo Ghiozzi, owner/founder of Wingnut Games, will be a special guest at Visioncon this President’s Day weekend. Wingnut is best known for wacky games like Battle Cattle (a personal favorite of mine). Aldo’s looking for Wingnut fans to run demo games at the con while he mans the booth, so