I go out of town for a couple of days, and Mike starts laughing maniacally. Hoo-boy. Let’s do a little catch-up, shall we? From listening in to the Mongoose Publishing mailing list, I’ve confirmed suspicions that the September release, The Handbook of Prestige Classes, Volume 1, will contain Mongoose prestige
Columbia Games new Harn Character Software
No matter how pure a pen a paper gamer tries to be, there is always some company trying to tempt them. Columbia Games has released new a HarnMaster Character Generator for PC and MAC. Columbia Games is offering free demo downloads on their site.
IHERO Picks a Fight
In a move certainly designed to start a nasty continuity fight among players, IHERO has published an online timeline for their signature game, I, HERO. Beginning in 1940 and running through July of 2002 their timeline includes tidbits like this: February, 1974: The Turquoise Spider marries Twin Cities’ Officer Curtis
Ogres are Coming to Dinner
Ogres are Coming to Dinner Call me old fashioned, but I always thought Ogres were for killing, not hiring. Games Workshop has released a new free PDF scenario called Ogres for Hire for their Warhammer Skirmish system. You are preparing for your third battle with your enemy in as many
Monte Cook and his new
Monte Cook and his new PDF Malhavoc Press has released two new books. The Banewarrens on PDF and a new print title The Book of Eldritch Might II: Songs and Souls of Power. Not surprisingly both were written by D20 guru Monte Cook. The Book of Eldritch Might II is
Transhuman Space: Personnel Files Entering
Transhuman Space: Personnel Files Entering Playtesting The newest Transhuman Space supplement from Steve Jackson Games has entered playtesting at Pyramid Online. If you are subscriber you can help mold Transhuman history.
Journalists Converge on Invisible City
It’s the middle of a new month, so Invisible City Productions has once again released a free game. This time it’s Scoop!, a board game in which two to six players compete to be the first to sell three high-quality stories to the editor of the Action City Times. Solitaire
Attack of the Clones TCG Chat
This Friday June 21st, Chris Galvin and Kierin Chase, the developers of the extensive organized play (OP) program for the Star Wars trading card game (TCG), will be available at Wizards.com to discuss the new Jedi Nights organized play program events that will be available to players. The chat will
Hammer & Helm Preview At Green Ronin
Green Ronin has just posted a four-page PDF preview for Hammer & Helm. Lurking within, you’ll find eight feats, the Ironbound prestige class, and three priestly domains: Fortitude, Stonehearth, and Sword. There’s some cool artwork as well. Fetch your ale, get your beard combed, and go have a look.
Borrow The Car Winner Posted
Delayed by my previous computer’s rattling death, resultant email recovery problems, and some OgreCave staff changes, we now have the winner of our “Borrow the Car” Car Wars contest posted for all to see. Naturally, we had so many great entries that we’ve posted quite a few of them for
OGL Interlock Becomes OGL Interlink
Even though Green Ronin and Paradigm Concepts have already announced their intertwined product lines under the OGL Interlock banner, they’ve now changed the title of the arrangement to OGL Interlink. “To avoid confusion with aspiring d20 publisher Interlock Games.” Sounds fair, and I’m all for having less confusion. The plans
Gobs Of Green Ronin Galleries
Okay, crappy title, but it’s Monday. Give me a break. Green Ronin Publishing has added a few art galleries to their D20 product listings. First to be added are the Hammer & Helm gallery, showcasing the dwarves in the first of GR’s Races of Renown series. The book itself will
Rappan Athuk 3 Review Posted
His latest expedition has taken Joe into the depths of Rappan Athuk 3: The Lower Levels by Necromancer Games. He seems to have enjoyed the ordeal, too. Go have a look and see why.
Dungeons of Torgar Unchained
Project Aon has been working really efficiently lately. With record speed, they’ve released the free online edition of The Dungeons of Torgar, the tenth Lone Wolf gamebook. As with the last release, both online-playable and downloadable PDF editions are available, and all of the original illustrations are included.