Surprising no one, Rio Grande announced in its newsletter that it’d be picking up this reported frontrunner for this year’s Spiel des Jahres and printing it in English, for a July release. I want to make a July 4th joke here but I can’t quite make it work. In any
Frag Fun At Origins
Phil Reed of Steve Jackson Games dropped us a note to let us know he’d be running Frag 3d games at Origins. He also sent along links to his Frag 3d Terrain Guidelines and Frag 3d Building pages. “I hope to see some people at Origins bring their own terrain
Explaining Anime
When I stopped by the office yesterday, I got a nifty bonus. David from Chaosium gave me a peek at a near-final draft of the creatures chapter from Secrets of Japan, the upcoming sourcebook for Call of Cthulhu. The chapter contained some excellent artwork of rather disturbing creatures, including a
Artful Ass Kicking
Politically Incorrect Games has announced its cooperation with Mystic Ages Online to present us gamers with an “art rich” version of Eldritch Ass Kicking. The enhanced version will be released during GenCon, and will be available as a free upgrade to customers who already own the game. The current version
Green Races Nearly Upon Us
Next Monday, Fast Forward Entertainment wil unleash the Green Races Campaign Sourcebook, a 224-page hardbound d20 campaign based on FFE’s Green Races adventures. In this setting, the Green Races — trolls, goblins, orcs, and others — slowly advance on the DragonElves and the BronzeMen, two different races fighting for survival.
Mean Streets Released
Deep7 has released its film noir RPG Mean Streets. The $7.95 game clocks in at 58 pages, all in PDF format of course. The game’s first supplement, Vendetta, is due for a drive-by late next month, and will focus on organized crime in America. A trio of Mean Streets freebies
Babylon 5 Coming To DVD
Missed an episode here or there? Need to check some details for a B5 game you’re running? Or are you like Mike, who just picked up a copy of AoG‘s Babylon 5 Component Game System Core Set and needs to know how to tell the ships apart? No problem. In
Goin’ Down To Cowtown (Making Obligatory Geek-Rock References All The Way)
Knuckleduster has just released the Cowtown Creator, a Western-themed generic-citybook sort of thing for D20, FUDGE, and classic Deadlands rulesets. Is it me, or does the word “Cowtown” make you think of a hopeless backwater, rather than a general term for a Wild West town? But I can’t think for
Sometimes We Mention A Computer Game
The boys over at Penny Arcade are very excited about an upcoming turn-based strategy game called Moonbase Commander, and you know what? After looking at the screenshots, I am too. So there.
Bluffside Review Posted
Joe has gone over Thunderhead Games‘ Bluffside: City on the Edge with a fine-toothed comb, and presents us with his findings. Looking for a city to drop into your campaign? Bluffside just may be for you.
3D Unplugged-Games Figure In Flat PC-Games Mag, Free For Five Dollars
WizKids announced Monday that they’ve done a deal with the publishers of PC Gamer magazine to include a special redemption coupon in their September issue. The coupon plus five bucks will get you a limited edition MechWarrior figure not available anywhere else. I can see what PC Gamer will get
WotC Interestingness Updates
The G to the R has some further notes on both the at Wizards, and the . According to their story, Hasbro has filed suit against two individuals. Oh my.
Possible Fraud At WotC, And Other Turmoil
Gaming Report has a story on exactly what I’ve heard floating around the rumor mill for the last day or so. According to their story, which I’m still trying to confirm, a lawsuit is being filed against a Senior VP at WotC who stands accused of funneling money out of
WotC D&D Setting Contest
While the rumors of a change in management at WotC continue to fly, it’s been confirmed that the company’s looking for a new D&D world setting, and they’re running a contest to get the next big idea — possibly from you. By submitting a writeup of a D&D setting, anyone
I Wanna Be… Where The People Are…
You know, it hadn’t fully dawned on me until recently that 2001 was a really sad year for me, games-wise. Perhaps this didn’t dawn on me because 2001 didn’t actually get sad until 2002. To unpack that a little, I had two games I was collecting avidly in 2001 (both