Rumor has it that Vince Caluori, CEO of Wizards of the Coast, has announced he is leaving the company. Rumor also has it that a major shakedown of the company is about to be handed down by Hasbro, owners of WotC. Will Hasbro force WotC to begin selling off game
Colonies Preview
Politically Incorrect Games has just posted a PDF preview of its new sci-fi RPG The Colonies. The site also mentions that Shadim, a fantasy RPG based on the same rule system as The Colonies, will be slightly delayed due to rules improvements that will be incorporated.
Magic Dump In OgreCave Reviews. Ewww…
Orion clambers into the Cave with his review of The Magic Dump by Monkeygod Enterprises. Did the contents outweigh the worst name yet for a D20 product? Go read the review and find out.
OGL Interlock. Sounds Like Voltron Should Be Involved
Sure enough, I start hinting at something secret Green Ronin was planning related to Hammer and Helm: A Guidebook to Dwarves, and they go ahead and spill the beans. Green Ronin Publishing is working together with Paradigm Concepts to bring us OGL Interlock, “a series of related sourcebooks for d20
New Rivets And Everything
Privateer Press has retrofitted the Iron Kingdoms website to fit their preferred look-and-feel, and things are looking good. The site has received several content updates as well, which includes the Rifleman Prestige Class. Part Spoiler, Part Preview Card The Buffy CCG site has a preview image posted of a card
More Dwarves From Green Ronin
Green Ronin has announced an increased page count for its upcoming Hammer and Helm: A Guidebook to Dwarves, bringing the total to 112 pages for $19.95. The book will go into print this week, and be available in July (and the cover has a secret to it I learned of
Occult Previews Continue From Atlas
In the fourth preview Atlas Games has posted from Occult Lore, we get two different sets of rules for one thing. What is it? Why, it’s Pangunculus, which as you all know is the name of the first great continent on Earth that would later split into the continents we
PIG Bringing Us The Colonies
Politically Incorrect Games will be releasing of The Colonies, a sci-fi RPG of a future Earth enslaved by aliens, and the fight by human colonies on Mars and elsewhere to liberate the planet. New technologies, freaky mutations, combat against aliens, and space travel: what else could you want in your
Cheapass Taunts You – Well, Actually, OgreCave Taunts You
You that two new standalone Diceland sets are due by the end of the year, one of which will feature a “giant” OGRE die (not sure how they’re pulling that one off). You knew that , the very first game in Cheapass’ line of no-nice-board-and-no-pieces board games, is going to
Mean Streets Hits The Streets Soon
Deep7 announced the end of playtesting for Mean Streets, the company’s new film noir RPG of “cynical private eyes, unscrupulous gangsters, and dangerous femme fatales.” Deep7’s XPG system provides the core mechanics for the upcoming game. “We are confident that Mean Streets will be one heck of an RPG, one
Occult Lore Preview
In anticipation of their Occult Lore book for D20, Atlas Games has posted multiple previews of what we’ll get inside. Most recently, information on the Dragonflower, a sort of catnip for dragons, has been posted on the company’s site. Atlas has also made the book’s index available as a teaser
Red Wizard Needs New Ideas, Badly!
Via IGN, via GamingReport: The artist formerly known as Hasbro Interactive announces for PS2, Xbox, and GameCube in the fall. From the description here, it sounds like Gauntlet with special moves and leveling. But I guess it won’t be so bad to have a little game where you can beat
Nobilis Review Posted
Matthew has returned safely from the depths of the Nobilis RPG by Hogshead Publishing. Was he changed by the experience? Find out for yourself. Aliens For Revised Star Wars RPG Lots of ’em. In a nice, handy list, with enough details to use and abuse ’em. Yep. I love free
Judge Dredd RPG Update
The new 2000AD RPG site has been updated with a variety of tidbits. According to the site, the Judge Dredd RPG “has been sighted in some UK games stores and will soon be spreading to Europe. Fans in the US will have to wait just a little bit longer.” Estimates
Tome of the Dragon Review Posted
Demian give us a no-holds-barred look at Tome of the Dragon by Citizen Games. I’ll just say it wasn’t quite his favorite new D20 adventure, and leave the rest to him.