In case you missed the mention of it on the Atlas Games dispatches, word is that Dungeoneer: Vault of the Fiends has moved past card approval stage and is rapidly approaching release. The follow-up release to Dungeoneer,one of last year’s best stand-alone card games, looks to repeat that success with
Spellflag freebie up at Human Head
Human Head Studios just sent word that the free PDF Matt Forbeck’s been feverishly working on is finally available. The free web enhancement for Redhurst: Academy of Magic presents rules for Spellflag, “the game of Wizards.” You can pick up your copy at the company’s download page, and see if
Vampyres spread through Cheapass
has embraced the Halloween spirit by hiding the six Vampyre Button Men in various places around the company’s website. If you find ’em and email the links, your next order will have a complete set of Vampyre Button Men coming with your next order. The new Deadland: On Location would
Look at me, I bought some Initial D boosters
“Big Brakes”? That’s my rare? “Big Brakes.” Whatever. What I’m starting to really like about this game is its vaguely Engrish qualities: how the flavor text or title of a card seem just subtly wrong enough to be funny, while the card keeps a straight face, as it were. “This
Mhorann Games gets feet wet
Mhorann Games, a new entry in the publishing field, is “testing the waters,” as it were. How? With an aquatic d20 adventure, of course. Terror in Paradise is a 46-page PDF that takes 3rd-4th level characters and strands them on an unchanrted tropical island filled with friendly-yet-duplicitous natives and a
Green Ronin unburies Skull & Bones extras
Having finally overcome the curse upon it’s release, Green Ronin‘s Skull & Bones has arrived in stores. To mark the occasion, GR has dug up a special, larger version of a period map that appears in the book, as well as the original Skull & Bones preview PDF. For those
Thought it was a joke, didn’t you?
Well, yes, Battle Cattle has been stretching the same joke for quite a while now, but the Battle Cattle plush is no joke. Maybe you didn’t believe it when the preview art was posted, though. No problem. Now there’s pictures of the finished prototype Toy Vault has put together, and
Free Board Game Just Keeps Changing!
Invisible City has come through again with another game of the month. In Slipmax, players roll a die and race around a board, gaining and losing money based on where they end up. It all sounds very traditional, but there’s a twist: what happens to each player isn’t based on
All Neopets, all the time
It really is amusing, as GamingReport points out, when game companies “announce” things that are about to come out and that we’ve all known about forever. However, the unveiling of the official Neopets TCG web site coincides nicely with this mini-essay on the . That’s definitely worth a read. (Hmm…
Lord of the Rings TMG site launches
The official site for the Lord of the Rings TMGis up and running, though there isn’t a whole lot there yet. Currently, visitors can have a look around, download the rules, read the FAQ, check out the forums, and other basic stuff. However, the site mentions two figure giveaway promotions
Sort of an Age of Mythology Playtest Report (but really more like bragging)
I offered some more thoughts on AoM in the comments on this Slashdot Games link.
We shall bounce off each other and make a sport of it
This is the perfect online multiplayer Flash game, of the sort that I would make if I had all the time in the world. Utterly simple to learn, a good amount of tactical depth, and more cute than you can handle. (Thanks to Eric for the tip.)
Artifacts of even more Ages
Green Ronin has announced a special web enhancement for Artifacts of the Ages, the supplement from the Game Mechanics that brought us magic items which grow with your characters (“I’m just a tiny dagger now, but I’ve been drinking milk…”). In the free download, psionics are brought into the Artifacts
Age of Mythology First Look: how to outsource game development to a small island nation
No, not really. But it’s laughable how similar Eagle’s board game adaptation of Microsoft’s RTS hit is to the much-lauded German game Puerto Rico. It’s a very similar board, similar turn structure in which you choose a role from a (mostly) fixed set and all players (sometimes) then play that
Classic H.G. Wells novel reprinted – with rules
If you’re like me, and therefore have an unhealthy interest in the meta-game of how RPG publishers are licensing their rules and content, you might be tickled by this: Gold Rush Games is doing what has the markings of a series of Action! Classics, the first of which is H.G.