Back on the stick! Back in the seat! Back on maybe some metaphor that doesn’t sound as dirty! Here’s 28 minutes of good stuff from the GenCon show floor. We might paste some more into the regular on-mic podcast, which should get back on track for next week into the
Author: Mike Sugarbaker
I am a rocker, I rock out
Witness the all-out free RPG onslaught that is Metal Ă–pera!!!
GenCon 05 aftermath: the smallest game at the show
I didn’t find many little tiny small-press surprises at Gen Con… not the kind that I always find at Origins, anyway. Maybe the really tiny companies are priced out of Gen Con’s booth space, or maybe the smaller games are just always gonna be of the roleplaying persuasion (and hence
GenCon ’05 aftermath: Travel the world to meet NPCs and kill them
All the roleplaying cognoscenti at the show were talking about this: Otherworld Excursions is an “adventure tour agency,” only instead of adventuring off to some real place in this world, you go someplace in America and have some kind of location-appropriate tabletop RPG experience with a legendary GM and industry
GenCon ’05 aftermath: oh em gee, a playtest
Steve and I did finally get to play Clout Fantasy. It’s good. I would even venture to say that it is a better Diceland than Diceland. Thing with Diceland is that it’s both very random and very chaotic, which are not the same thing. The chaos in Diceland is made
Live and mostly conscious from Gen Con Indy 05
Troll Lord claims to be doing really well with their OGL-adaptation Castles and Crusades. They mentioned how they let online fans in on the development of the game – Daniel Chenault specifically talked about how, no matter how smart a designer is, he’s never going to be as smart as
Live at GenCon ’05: Things I saw today that I didn’t wave a microphone at
So I spoke with Avalon Hill brand manager Linda Cox at length today – she didn’t want to be on the podcast, citing excessive self-consciousness, and since she’s not on the podcast, I actually had to remember what she said. We mostly talked very generally, though. Axis & Allies Miniatures
Delta Green on the distributed-patronage tip
Delta Green and GODLIKE author Dennis Detwiller has created a fundraiser with a goal of $500, with the project released upon achievement of the goal set to be a… uh… that part isn’t clear actually. Yeah, I think this kind of thing might work better if the page where you
World of Warcraft CCG rights go to Upper Deck
The fine people who brought you Yu-Gi-Oh! will now be bringing you the CCG – sorry, that’s TCG – based on the most popular MMPORPG in America. I think of Blizzard’s work generally as video gaming’s epitome of both class and mass appeal; I am not convinced that Upper Deck
That board game WizKids was going to do
Yup. Tsuro looks very decent, probably more tactical and tense than the games it reminds you of… and for the components, the price is certainly right. But I can’t help but wonder if this is really where WizKids should go. I mean, for all the crap we give them, they
Another blow struck in struggle to separate RPG design from publishing
Legends of Alyria is a complete roleplaying game, not only published free on the web, but published using a free, automated tool. As the game’s creator says, “[W]hile I like the idea of game design, increasingly I’m finding that I don’t care for game production and promotion. I don’t have
James Ernest and Mike Selinker choose interesting name for new high-end publisher
With a press-release headline like “Titanic Games Takes to the Water – New Board and Card Game Company,” I happily admit that I had my knives out. I mean, come on, wouldn’t you? However, it merely appears that one of the best design teams out there has found a couple
Rocketmen First Look
Okay, so, new poly-card CSG whatever, due out at Gen Con and I don’t think it got a sneak release anywhere although I could be wrong. OgreCave obtained four packs and got sort-of-enough ships to play a three-player game. If we had played a two-player game we would definitely have
Ravenloft and Gamma World go back to WotC
I had forgotten that White Wolf even had Gamma World, but there you go. One last Arthaus Ravenloft supplement will be hitting as a free PDF download next month. I seriously doubt that Gamma World will ever resurface as an RPG (although it might have kicked a measure of ass
The other shoe gets deciphered
It is arguably only a matter of time between WARS and, well, this: GR points to a Virginia-based business paper called Inside Business, which in turn points to Decipher apparently melting down. Those up for a round of tasty schadenfreude can enjoy details like Decipher selling its offices and renting