In Green Ronin‘s annual state of the union address, company president Chris Pramas looked ahead toward plans for the new year. Citing a theme of “diversity,” Pramas mentioned several highlights on the schedule for 2004, including a card game and board game that have yet to be revealed fully. Naturally,
Category: Board Games
Hey, look: there’s a Classic BattleTech box set again
I’m pretty sure this product is newish. The manager of the store where I saw it on the shelf said that FanPro has only barely been promoting it, but it’s hard to know if I was unaware of it for that reason, or because it’s old-ass news. In any case,
Avalon Hill announces A&A D-Day
Mike Selinker dropped us a note about Axis & Allies D-Day, a new “standalone expansion” for Axis & Allies set to hit next May, to coincide with D-Day’s 60th anniversary. “Standalone expansion” is apparently what A&A Europe and A&A Pacific are called, as well. Well, okay: Selinker was really writing
Cheapass releases downloadable beta board game
It was on the schedule but it’s not done, so James Ernest has taken a tip from the online gaming industry and decided to let us all be his QA engineers. Jacob Marley, Esquire requires the usual pawns and stones as well as 400 chips in 4 colors, which if
OgreCave’s Christmas Gift Guide 2003 – part one
Christmas is a time of traditions, and OgreCave has its own annual tradition in the form of its trilogy of Christmas Gift Guide lists. At the end of each year, the editors and review crew here at OgreCave delve through all the releases of the last twelve months to recommend
OgreCave Interview: Matt Forbeck
As a special treat this Thanksgiving holiday, we’ve got a new interview for you to tear into. This time around, our target is Matt Forbeck, freelance author and game developer extraordinaire. From Deadlands to Space Hulk, from Redhurst to Dark Sun, Matt’s been there, done that, and still going strong.
Paper Pirates, Bouncing ‘Bots and other Alliterative Amusements
Another Rio Grande Games newsletter has been released. Pirate fans (whose numbers have increased lately due to a certain film) should be pleased by Corsari, a crew-building card game due out in December or January. Those waiting for the reissued Ricochet Robots (complete with new boards) will have to be
Confused Agent Doesn’t Recognize Home
The latest of Invisible City‘s games of the month has arrived. In Quadruple Agent, a confused secret agent wanders around a board following instructions sent to him by multiple commanders (the players). The goal is to allocate resources and arrange orders in a manner that eventually leads the agent to
2004 Games 100 announced; New England is Game of the Year
GAMES Magazine’s 2004 GAMES 100 is up in its entirety at ye olde Funagain, and the veteran design team of Alan Moon and Aaron Weissblum took Game of the Year honors with their tile-laying Pilgrim fiesta New England. Curiously, last year’s winner Dvonn is listed again this year to fill
Game of Thrones Board Game Playtest Report
FFG’s in-house board game designs are just looking really sharp these days: they aren’t what you’d call mind-blowingly original, but they preserve the feel of their source material and keep the focus on fun, fun, fun. Game of Thrones: the Board Game is basically Diplomacy modified until unrecognizable. It has
Rio Grande Update
Rio Grande Games has once again found the time to release another newsletter. In addition to the usual notes on release date changes and such, five new games are featured: Nero, dealing with the struggle for Rome following Nero’s death; Age of Napoleon, a diplomatic and military strategy game; Alexandros,
Axis and Allies becomes one again in ’04?
Avalon Hill has announced a new revision of good ol’ A&A to hit in March. It’s billed as the first major revision in 20 years, although splitting the thing into two parts seems pretty friggin’ major to me. There’s no word in either the press release (included below) or the
This Halloween, Dismember Your Friends
The latest free game from Invisible City Productions has arrived just in time for Halloween. In Grunt, Growl and Tear, players control monsters which move around a board battling one another. One of the most interesting twists is that you can rip off your opponents’ limbs… and attach them to
More WarCraft thoughts, or: I really need to buy someone in Michigan a drink
Our WarCraft board game story got picked up by Slashdot yesterday, and I found some stuff to say there, because even in the less-trafficked areas, where intelligence has a shot at shining through, Slashdot is always a reliable wellspring of hot and cold running stupid. People there seem to actually
Warcraft board game nearly in stores
Fantasy Flight’s website is abuzz with news of the nearly-released Warcraft: The Board Game. In his latest article, designer Kevin Wilson described his desire to have an endless variety of scenarios for the game, and how victory points and interchangable board pieces will make it possible. According to Wilson, FFG