Hasbro-branded games are buy one, get one free at Toys ‘R’ Us this week apparently. (Some other possibilities – hey, they still make Crossfire!)
Category: Board Games
Vampyres spread through Cheapass
has embraced the Halloween spirit by hiding the six Vampyre Button Men in various places around the company’s website. If you find ’em and email the links, your next order will have a complete set of Vampyre Button Men coming with your next order. The new Deadland: On Location would
Free Board Game Just Keeps Changing!
Invisible City has come through again with another game of the month. In Slipmax, players roll a die and race around a board, gaining and losing money based on where they end up. It all sounds very traditional, but there’s a twist: what happens to each player isn’t based on
Sort of an Age of Mythology Playtest Report (but really more like bragging)
I offered some more thoughts on AoM in the comments on this Slashdot Games link.
Age of Mythology First Look: how to outsource game development to a small island nation
No, not really. But it’s laughable how similar Eagle’s board game adaptation of Microsoft’s RTS hit is to the much-lauded German game Puerto Rico. It’s a very similar board, similar turn structure in which you choose a role from a (mostly) fixed set and all players (sometimes) then play that
Creepy News from Rio Grande
Rio Grande Games is obviously preparing for Halloween, as their latest newsletter provides information on three new horror-themed games: Dracula, Vampire and Secret of the Tombs. Also forthcoming are Mü and More, a novel trick-taking game, Chicken Cha Cha Cha, a new children’s game, and a couple of additions to
German engineering finds allies in Washington
Via slashdot again, The Washington Post on the resurgence of what they call “specialty board-games.” If anyone finds a permanent link to this article that doesn’t ask you to name your first born, post it in comments, ‘kay? (Some of the comments at the slashdot posting are interesting too.)
Virtual chits don’t blow away when someone opens the garage door
Via Slashdot Games, an intriguing editorial on the state of independent, digital wargaming. Produced by small development shops and sold almost exclusively online, these games are near-duplicates of old-school SPI hex-map cardboard-counter throwdowns, sometimes souped up with online play or even (gasp!) 3D graphics. Party like it’s 1977. (For those
Suave in-store campaigns for Avalon Hill
This looks seriously freakin’ hot. Avalon Hill’s official incorporation into WotC is bearing fruit: “Wizards of the Coast is producing its first board game expansions as part of this program. The expansions, which are taken home by the winners of the event, will serve to alter play for experienced players,
Custom Trivia from Invisible City
It’s game of the month time once again at Invisible City, and this time it’s something a little different: 1,000 Blank White Questions, a trivia game in which the players make up all of the questions. You can ask anything you like, but you run the risk of losing points
Creepy Freaks creep ever closer
Another Creepy Freaks preview figure is on display at the WizKids site. This time we get a look at Patches, a demented zombie teddy bear straight out of Akira. Of the figures we’ve seen so far, I prefer Jar Head. Can’t go wrong with a brain in a jar.
Carcassonne 2-player spinoff, Puerto Rico card game before end of year
While I was at ICv2, I found this stuff about Rio Grande’s recent successes and big plans for the rest of the year… mostly for September. The lede is about the 2-player Balrog game or whatever. We’ll see about that, but I’m excited that Carcassonne and Puerto Rico may be
OgreCave reviews: X-Bugs & Nanofictionary
Now that the GenCon hullabaloo has settled down a bit, we’ve got two new reviews for you. First, Matthew tells us a bit about this year’s GenCon UK and a lot about X-Bugs: Microscopic Mayhem by Steve Jackson Games. Then Cedric gives us his take on storytelling games, particularly Nanofictionary
GenCon wrap-up: FFG keeps busy
Fantasy Flight Games was having brisk sales on the new A Game of Thrones boardgame. The same box size as the Lord of the Rings game, the $40 product pits 3-5 players against each other in a… um… game of… thrones… uh, yeah. Not only could gamers take control of
I’m just waiting for the Hungry Hungry Hippos wargame
Oh, and I found a little more on BattleBall. Apparently it’s also a Toys-R-Us kinda game, actually branded Milton Bradley but demoed at the Wizards booth anyway. It’s been described as “like Blood Bowl meets Epic Duels,” which pretty much means it’ll kick your ass, and then take your ass’