Wingnut Games has launched new forums to discuss their games, see previews of upcoming products, and generally run amuck. Get over there and start harassing Aldo. He likes it.
Origins 2003 online registration begins
GAMA has announced that online registration and events submissions are now open for Origins 2003, which takes place June 26-29 next year. The deadline to have events listed in the Pre-Reg Book is January 1, so get moving. If you miss that, the deadline for the Onsite Program is April
Things Just Get Eldritchier
Not only has Book of Eldritch Might III: The Nexus just been released to an excellent response, but Monte Cook’s Malhavoc Press has also completed a free patch upgrade for the original Book of Eldritch Might. What does the patch include? Well, according to the Malhavoc website, you can expect:
Dystopia is better than Datopia
Politically Incorrect Games wants to remind us all to give thanks this Thanksgiving, by pointing out how lucky we are not to live in the setting of Dystopia: America 2155AD. Our world is a cake walk compared to the corporate-controlled, brutal world the 39-page PDF game presents. To make us
Controversy at Roleplaying Tips Weekly
This week’s new issue of Roleplaying Tips Weekly explores the social side of gaming with hints about “Political Incorrectness In RPGs.” Will your Jewish friend mind the Fourth Reik plotline you have planned? How comfortable are your players with contraversial subjects? Did they flock to WotC’s Book of Vile Darkness,
Reasons to Learn Italian Revisited
I just received a copy of Roberto Convenevole and Francesco Bottone’s La Storia di Risiko, a recently-published Italian book detailing the history of Risk. Sadly, the majority of the book is in Italian, a language that I cannot read, but the book does include English rules for a new variant
Unusual Treasures limited run announced
Phil Reed has gathered his three d20 PDFs together into a single print version called The Book of Unusual Treasures. Only 100 copies of the book are being made, combining and expanding the information from 101 Spellbooks, 101 Mundane Treasures, and 101 Arcane Spell Components. The book is 100+ pages,
Gun-Toting made easy by Green Ronin
Green Ronin has just posted an 8-page PDF preview of next month’s Ultramodern Firearms d20. Leading the way in the wave of d20 Modern supplemental products, the 160-page hardcover book reprints and updates the original Ultramodern Firearms by Charles Ryan (who worked on the Wheel of Time RPG and d20
Another Helping of Beasts
Because you can never have enough creatures to harass your players with, another d20 company has formed to bring you even more. DreamReality Press is seeking playtesters for its upcoming product Encyclopedia of Monsters Vol.1. Those who are interested can download the NDA and playtest guidelines from the company’s website,
New Review: BESM Fantasy Bestiary
Cedric has pawed through the new BESM Fantasy Bestiary from . This latest Tri-Stat supplement offers creatures galore, but on the whole, how did Cedric rate it? Find out inside.
Deep7 Provides New Excuse to Yell “Arrrrrr!”
Ever since I ran a few weeks’ worth of Deep7‘s Bloode Island 1PG, certain members of my gaming group have been asking “when’s the Bloode Island XPG coming out?” with some regularity. At last, I can stop their inquiries by loudly proclaiming that it’s here at last! The new release
New, improved Star Wars TCG with 80% less cringing!
That’s right, kids: you might not have noticed, but WotC‘s new-ish Star Wars card game now has starter decks and boosters of A New Hope – cards drawn entirely from the first film (albeit the special edition), not the crap with the teen idol and the Marriage of (*choke* *gasp*)
New Review: Danger Guy
Cedric has explored the life-threatening hazards of Danger Guy by Alien Menace, and survived to tell the tale. Is the game a thrill a minute, or a minute thrill? Look inside and find out.
Vin Diesel starting console game company
Yeah, I know: OgreCave doesn’t generally comment on the electronic stuff. However, since Vin Diesel has admitted to playing and enjoying D&D, and since the suggestion comes up every so often to approach him as a GenCon Guest of Honor, I thought some folks might be interested to hear he’s
SnarfQuest D20 Preview PDF
Your friend and mine, the redoubtable Larry Elmore, has made the first few pages of each chapter of the upcoming SnarfQuest campaign book for D20 available as a PDF. Eat that, you minotaur twink!