Over the next couple of days, we at OgreCave will guide your loved ones through that most difficult of tasks for a non-gamer: buying you a Christmas present. Our first list gives the 12 Games of Christmas Morn, the less expensive, stocking-stuffer type of gifts ($20 or less). In the
Fantasy Flight narrowly avoids fixing Vortex
Although the Vortex product page says September, the rants page says next week or so. That’s when you might see Vortex: Maelstrom, a complete set of all the starter and common flats from collectible tile game Vortex, which, when we reviewed it way back when, we said we would have
Good News for D20 Otaku
Dream Pod 9 has announced a February 10th release date for their D20 Mecha Compendium. It covers mecha for every genre, including fantasy, steam-punk, science-fiction, and modern/near future. Also, in a fit of deranged generosity, they have included D20 stats for all of their in-house mecha designs. “Alright, I’m going
Sabertooth coyly announces Warhammer Fantasy CCG for spring
There’s this press release going, “We’re doing this amazing new fantasy thing and it needs playtesters” (the exact quote is below), but then on this company bio-kinda page they flat out say they’re making a Warhammer CCG to follow up the 40K one. Not sure whom they’re trying to tease,
Several previews from Mongoose
Another day, another Mongoose website update. This time around, we get new details on the following products: The Slayer’s Guide to Yuan-Ti The Ultimate Equipment Guide The Quintessential Paladin The Slayer’s Guide to Undead (by Gary Gygax) Not content with that, Mongoose has also added product details to the 2000AD
Final update from Hogshead Publishing
To answer the many questions gamers have about the fate of its products, Hogshead Publishing has posted a short FAQ. Much of the details were already revealed in official press releases and our exclusive interview with James Wallis. However, the announcement of Fires of Creation, the first Nobilis supplement to
Steve Jackson not funny, needs your help
I mean the company, of course, not the man. Steve Jackson himself is a born entertainer. But those responsible for the title “Munchkin 3: Bard For Life” for the next expansion to the smash hit dungeon-delving card game have been sacked. According to the Daily Illuminator (under December 7), it’s
Deep7 Expands All 1PGs Simultaneously
In one fell swoop, Deep7 has expanded its entire line of 1PG mini-RPGs. Its latest release, The 1PG Companion, includes new scenarios for all of the company’s mini-games along with expanded rules for character advancement, vehicular combat, and more. At $3.95, it’s a not-too-expensive way to get a little bit
All Flesh sells out again
Apparently, Eden Studios has sold out of All Flesh Must Be Eaten yet again. And why not? The RPG provides for your zombie needs in nearly every flavor, with new types coming shortly (Pulp Zombies in January, Fistful o’ Zombies in February, and Zombie Smackdown in June). A third print
Temple of Elemental Evil PC game in works
HomeLAN has a story relating to the classic D&D adventure Temple of Elemental Evil. According to a Computer Games magazine article, Trokia, the same developers behind the PC steampunk RPG Arcanum are working on a new game based on Gary Gygax’s classic module. The game, as yet unnamed, will be
WotC set to revise core D&D books in 2003
Since Wizards’ press releases page is four months behind, I’ll link you to . Short version is, there will be new editions of the three core D&D books released next July, with rules changes. Read More for the details.
Green Drow
Green Ronin has just posted a preview of Plot & Poison: A Guidebook to Drow. Lurking inside are two Prestige Classes, the Master Summoner and the Spell Addict, as well as a new creature and five martial arts styles. Continuing GR’s Races of Renown line, Plot & Poison will provide
OgreCave changes publishing system; world quakes with fear
So Blogger finally pissed us off enough to get us to throw the switch and move to Movable Type. The only really visible signs of the change so far: the nifty new search widget up there on the left, and whatever errors you find in the archives (bring them to
Goings-on at Goodman Games
Goodman Games has posted detailed previews of its February releases, Complete Guide to Treants and Dungeon Crawl Classics #1: Idylls of the Rat King, both due to hit stores in February 2003. In Treants, you’ll “learn about the dark side of treants: fury, hatred, revenge, and the charred, undead creatures
Mongoose to produce Conan and Lone Wolf RPGs
This morning, Matthew Sprange sent out the following announcement on the Mongoose Publishing email list: Mongoose Publishing is proud to announce the acquisition of the Conan licence, to be released in January 2004 (I said it was for the future!). We have the entire vista of Conan and his world