GR has a translation, as amusing and confusing as you’ve come to expect from Babelfish and its cousins, of the German press release.
Free Fun from Invisible City
Project Aon isn’t the only organization giving stuff away this month. Right on schedule, they’ve produced another free game of the month. This time around, it’s ‘Dillos in Austin, delightfully described as “a simulation for 2 to 4 ground-dwelling armored rodents.” If you only visit the city when I report
Project Aon Pleases Lone Wolf Fans, Depresses eBayers
There are a few rare and valuable books that could be considered the holy grails of gamebook collecting, and most of them are part of Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf series. One such book is The Magnamund Companion, a full-color, large-format reference book featuring everything from a short solo adventure to
A Star Wars miniature that is big
Here, have a face full of AT-AT.
Doom boardgame expansion packs loads of minis, Descent compatibility
In continuing FFG news, Doom expansion full details. I get the feeling that most gamers who frequent the ‘Cave are waiting on Descent, the straight dungeon-delve remix of the Doom mechanic, if they are interested in this at all. So it’s at least of note that in this upcoming expansion,
Arkham Horror loose, roaming, probably drooling
Man, I was all set to make a post about how the only news seems to be that things are constantly getting their ship dates pushed back. But then I go to FFG and there’s the word that the long-awaited new edition of Arkham Horror has shipped to distributors and
Because bangin’ and gangsta rap resonate with so many gamers
These guys announced a while ago and I didn’t comment on it… largely because I found myself speechless. I still am, but here: the STREET WARriorS CCG Official Site. The publisher, Lethal Entertainment, is a new company comprising several Pro-Tour Magic players. Of particular high quality is this paragraph here.
Next two Avalon Hill ship dates have slipped
Release dates have slipped on RoboRally and Vegas Showdown – the former to July and the latter to the start of the Xmas buying season. I really only post this to give a good ol’ Nelson “ha ha” to everyone who was hoping to see RR at Origins, now that
Origins Awards ceremony isn’t one
Instead, the posters (presumably posters, anyway) with all the winners will go out in the morning on the very first day of the show, and then a gala event of hobnobbing on Friday. The party costs $30, but I’ll take a paid party with food over a free, boring show
Hasbro buys back digital rights
In a press release today (also copied below), Hasbro announced that it has regained the digital rights to Hasbro properties for $65 million, which had gone to Infogrames for $100 million at the end of 2000. As part of the new deal, Hasbro grants Infogrames an exclusive, seven-year license for
Oh, good freakin’ God: White Wolf announces CSG
“Speed and valor bring victory!” What brings bankruptcy, I wonder? Racer Knights Of Falconus will feature “a variety of plastic cardstock components from which to build your Racer including engines, tires, weapons, armor, and more plus a rules sheet and two dice.” Ooooooh, two dice! I mean, I really like
CCG mounts epic battle between business plan and reality
So this new Score CCG called Epic Battles, which I don’t know anything else about, will be sold exclusively through Blockbuster Video at first, then trying to feed customers from Blockbuster back to hobby stores, via organized play. The latter point sheds some light, I think, on why all these
Dungeon Master’s Guide II scores critical sales
It would seem there’s considerable excitement about WotC‘s next rulebook for D&D 3.5, the impressively-titled Dungeon Master’s Guide II. According to the company, orders from the hobby market are already so strong that DMG II will be the biggest release ever for the game (aside from the core rulebooks). Industry
AH lifts curtain on Nexus Ops
You know, there’s almost nothing I like better than mining resources on a strange planet. If StarCraft and its ilk weren’t so damn stressful, I’d be in there mining my little heart out. But, since turn-based games are more my speed, I’m glad to see these details on Nexus Ops.
Let’s Kill again, like we did last summer
If, like us, you’ve been doing the casual-gaming thing for a while, you might remember a cute little card game called Let’s Kill, which not only did the stick-figure thing years before Kingdom of Loathing, but managed to be a funny game about serial killers and still be actually funny.