For those who haven’t lost faith in George Lucas and the Star Wars prequel movies yet, there’s news that broke just before the weekend while I was buried in a deadline. The Episode III teaser poster is available, to view or purchase, and it tries real hard to be ominous.
Sports Gamebooks Reach the UK
It’s not often that a new gamebook series hits the market these days, but Fighting Fantasy publisher Wizard Books has just launched a new product likely to bring page-flipping to a different demographic. The Football Fantasy Gamebooks allow players to control the actions of football (i.e. soccer) teams, playing either
Eldritch Horror: The New Alternative to Red Meat
If you need some Halloween excitement and you don’t have time for one of our RPG suggestions, all is not lost. Thanks to the wonders of Invisible City‘s latest free Game of the Month, you can participate in a Cthulbeque. That’s right — if you have the strength and sanity
HeroScape plans boosters, possibly less hobby-channel screwage
This ICv2 report taught me a couple of things I didn’t know: 1) that Hasbro had planned to ship its new gamers’ Milton Bradley game HeroScape to small game retailers a month or two ahead of the mass market, but shipping snafus forced them to go straight to the big
Warhammer RPG release schedule set
In a sort of publisher-developer deal thingie, Games Workshop’s new roleplaying imprint Black Industries will release Green Ronin’s new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay in February of ’05, at a price point of roughly 15 cents a page. No, I don’t think you’ll be able to buy pages a la
Night of the Living Gamer: 13 Halloween RPGs
In just over a week, dressing in funny costumes without being in a LARP will be socially accepted (for the day, at least). To accompany our pumpkin-toting adventurer up there in the corner, Chris Morgan has provided us with his suggestions for a roleplayer’s Halloween. Have a read through Night
Blue Rose opens the kimono, so to speak
(That’s a tech-business expression. Seriously, it is.) Up until today, Green Ronin’s website for the upcoming “romantic fantasy” RPG Blue Rose was a little frustrating, unless you like game fiction. This column from developer Steve Kenson, however, brings some details: an even more stripped-down d20 system than Mutants and Masterminds,
Rio Grande Picks Up the Pace
Since the last update I posted, Rio Grande Games has produced not one but two newsletters. They’re fairly similar, though, both previewing the same new titles. We now have photos and descriptions of the forthcoming Carcassonne releases, plus there are first looks at Niagara, a gem-collecting canoe-racing game with a
A distant deathknell heard
A news update on the WotC website reveals that production samples of the next D&D Miniatures expansion, Deathknell, have reached the WotC offices. According to the story, “ettins, gold dragons, and a host of undead” are heaped on someone’s desk, as well as a mention of juggling big beholders (I’d
Warrior bugs ready to scuttle. Pixar not involved
Mongoose Publishing has pictures of the Arachnid Warrior Bug for the upcoming Starship Troopers miniatures game and RPG. Coming in a number of poses and pieces, minis enthusiasts can be sure their 30mm scale bugs won’t all be identical. The game is still on course for an early 2005 release.
A rose by any other dice
Today Green Ronin launched a new website for the upcoming Blue Rose: The Roleplaying Game of Romantic Fantasy. Expect fiction, PDF downloads, beautiful artwork, some rules variations brought in from Mutants & Masterminds, and male gamers shying away in hopes of maintaining (obtaining?) a masculine image.
An exciting advance in the “make things fight each other” field
The VsTank Micro IR Battle series is a line of small remote-control tanks, about two and a half inches long, the sort that you plug into the controller to recharge. They have a few features you might not be expecting, though – such as infrared sensors on top that detect
Aberrations loose on streets
Since today is the street date for the Aberrations expansion of D&D Miniatures, it seems only fair that WotC has posted the official Aberrations figure gallery (though unofficial galleries have had the images for a while). Some figures in the Aberrations set, the first to have Starter sets since the
Betrayal at House on the Hill reviewed; millions tremble
When I first got a draft of this review from our freshman staffer Dave Chalker, I had just gotten back home from watching Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back on Chris’ big screen, and I thought up this brilliant announcement post that had Dave as the young Padawan and
Dear current players of our remaining hit game: we’re smart. Dear everyone else: we’re still dumb
Or perhaps I should be kinder to WizKids and characterize their “Open Letter to HeroClix Players Worldwide” as merely mysterious. I mean, they must know that a focus on collectors and the most hardcore of hardcore fans is what almost destroyed the comics industry, right? And that you have to