Atlas Games has just confirmed the rumor we reported a month ago, stating that Dungeoneer will indeed be published by Atlas from now on. The game was transferred to Atlas from Citizen Games, which admitted a lack of funds was making the proper support of Dungeoneer impossible. The sold-out dungeon-delving
Author: Allan Sugarbaker
Everything's Getting GOO-ey
As Mike reported at Origins, Big Eyes, Small Mouth d20 was released upon an unsuspecting world, and all of the rules content is Open Gaming Content. Now has taken the extra step of creating a BESM d20 System Reference Document, taking those three special little initials (SRD) and making them
Babylon 5 Previews Build Anticipation
Now that the Babylon 5 RPG is fully operational (read: shipping to stores), Mongoose Publishing has multiple preview downloads available on the B5 section of the company’s website. Currently, three preview downloads are available, including the official character sheet. I’m waiting. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
GenCon Indy Chat at WotC Site
You’ve got less than half an hour to get to the chat on GenCon Indianapolis with Mr GenCon himself, Peter Adkison. The chat’s today at 5pm PST, so if you don’t already have a password at the WotC community section, you may be out of luck today (it can
Mongoose Plans for GenCon ’03
Mongoose Publishing‘s Matthew Sprange sent out a notice to the company mailing list which showed just how evil he can be when he wants to. Sure, the email let us know that the Babylon 5 RPG will be there in case we don’t have it already, and that several other
Roleplaying Tips Weekly #179
The latest issue of Roleplaying Tips Weekly features a guide to player types, a popular theme that comes up now and then in various forms. However, this list actually has useful suggestions on how to deal with those Munchkins, Power Gamers, Rules Lawyers and the like. Other than killing their
ENnies Nominees Announced
EN World has just posted the for this year’s ENnies (aka The 2nd Annual Gen Con EN World D20 System Awards). Voting will soon begin on the popular prize, and as with last year, the winners will be announced at GenCon. Notably absent from the nominees this year is Mystic
OgreCave Review: Highthrone
Cedric’s survived his finals, and now that he can concentrate on more important matters, has sent in his review of Highthrone by Mongoose Publishing. What grade did he bestow upon the intriguing city supplement? I ain’t tellin’. Find out for yourself.
Make an Elder God, Win a Kewpie Doll has announced a joint contest with Toy Vault, the folks who made all those stuffed Cthulhu toys. The challenge? Create your very own plush Cthulhu. Yep, Toy Vault wants to pick your brain for variant ideas on Cthulhu and company, and is offering up one of each Cthulhu plush
OgreCave Interview: James Ernest
Though a bit laid up with the latest tropical disease, I can still manage to post a new interview. This time we’ve put a few questions to James Ernest, founder and President of , and prolific game designer. Which of his numerous game designs gave him the most trouble? Read
Free Adventure Posted for M&M
To start your superheroics off right this week, Green Ronin has decided to provide a free Mutants & Masterminds adventure. Steve Kenson’s “The Heist” introduces new characters to the world of crime fighting while saving the GM some work. The 6.4 MB PDF can be downloaded from this part of
That Averages to About Five Cents Each
Philip Reed has done it again: released a damn useful PDF for d20 gamers. This time, it’s 101 Divine Spell Components, a 33-page resource of all the nifty spellcasting ingredients GMs normally have to improvise, for a mere $4.95. This follows the example set by Phil’s earlier PDF product, 101
Crocodile Crawling to GenCon Indy
Crocodile Games, the company behind those excellent WarGods of Aegyptus miniatures, has announced their plans for GenCon Indy. There are sure to be previews of Crocodile’s upcoming WarGods of Olympus, as well as a party on Saturday night (I picture a really drunk guy screaming “Minis! WOOOOO!!”), matched only by
Pinnacle Site Gets Facelift
Pinnacle’s got a new look & feel for its website this morning. PEG is giving away a free Lost Colony Showdown starter and booster to every online order of $50 or more, so take on those grapes and claim the land for your own… or at least figure out what
Atlas Flips to Old Maps of Africa
In other Atlas news, the company’s very first African-themed roleplaying sourcebook, South of the Sun, is available once more. The Ars Magica supplement was first published in 1991, long before the Nyambe expedition, and centered on the mythical kingdom of Prester John and its surroundings. From dream-sorcerers and demon-haunted hills