Merwin joins the Cave Dwellers with his review of Donjon by Anvilwerks. How did he and his players respond to the loose style of Donjon (which we listed in our Christmas Gift Guide 2002, by the way)? Find out inside.
Author: Allan Sugarbaker
New Review (& New Year): 1000 Faces
For our first review of the year, Cedric gives us a look inside 1000 Faces: Villains & Scoundrels by Citizen Games. This NPC resource is packed with characters, and Cedric tells us exactly how useful they are. This also kicks off our resolution to have new reviews every Monday, Wednesday
New Review: Rookie’s Guide to Criminal Organisations
To start this year ending/beginning week off right, Matthew brings us his evaluation of The Rookie’s Guide to Criminal Organisations by Mongoose Publishing. I keep wanting to correct the British spelling of that last word in the title, but the publisher’s from the UK (and so is the reviewer), so
Xmas oddity from Necromancer
For those still coming down from the Christmas high, or taking a break from fondling opened presents, Necromancer Games has a rather silly Christmas d20 download you can grab. All I have to say is, eight tiny flying sharks? Weirdness.
Fighters more Quintessential than ever
Mongoose Publishing has given more details on the newly revised and expanded printing of The Quintessential Fighter. Among the additions and changes are new feats, character concepts, tournament events, and even stronghold defenses. Those who have the original version (like myself) won’t be forced to buy the new one, as
Cartoon Action Hour art preview
Z-Man Games and Spectrum Game Studios are giving us a peek at some art samples from Cartoon Action Hour. The print version, due in February, will be nearly 100 pages longer than the PDF version, and according to the Spectrum website, will contain close to 60 illustrations. The samples shown
Happy Holidays!
All of us at OgreCave would like to wish you lots of gaming, or new games, or time with fellow gamers to discuss games. Oh, and a Merry Christmas, too.
Gold Rush panning out soon
Despite fighting illness and the tasks of the holidays, Gold Rush Games has plans moving forward on multiple products. The d20 city sourcebook, The Village of Briarton, is on schedule for a February release. Written by Patrick Sweeney (Terra Primate, Monster Island) and Christina Stiles, the book promises many numbers:
Warmachine product line info
Privateer Press has announced the product line details for its greatly anticipated Warmachine miniatures combat game. This March, a year after our first glipse of the game at GTS ’02, the first in “an ongoing series of monthly product releases” will hit stores with all the brute force it can
WotC site updated
The main page of Wizards of the Coast’s website looks much better now. Far less cluttered, easier to find what you’re looking for. Not as much variety right up front, though, just the big name brands. Hmm… sounds like the WotC retail stores, doesn’t it?
FAO Schwartz in trouble
In another ICv2 story, we hear that FAO Schwartz stores aren’t doing that well either. Apparently, the stores have reported a 20% loss compared to last year. Though there are only 23 FAO stores proper, the company also owns 61 Right Start stores and 169 Zany Brainy stores. According to
Preview & Review: Beyond the Walls & Armada X
We’ve got two new reviews to get you through the weekend. First, Joe’s had a pre-release sneak peak at
12 Games of d20
Our final look back at the year’s best Christmas gifts concludes with 12 Games of d20. The Cave Dwellers of OgreCave narrowed things down to just a few products, though many more deserved mentioning. If your buddys, spouse, or anyone else has no idea what to get you as that
New Review: Santa’s Soldiers – Second Edition
Demian has done us all a great service by reviewing the most festive of all violent roleplaying games, Santa’s Soldiers: Second Edition by Deep7. How does it compare to the original version? Do elves bleed green, red, or eggnog? Find out inside.
Cave Troll surfaces to defend lair
No, Peter Jackson hasn’t resurrected the beast from the first Lord of the Rings movie. I’m talking about Cave Troll, the latest board game design from Tom Jolly, by way of Fantasy Flight Games. For the curious types out there, FFG has posted the Cave Troll rules, but the gist