As long as we’re at ICV2, check this: Yu-Gi-Oh, the show and game that unseated Pokemon as the one true god of the youth of Japan, has come to America and is already getting huge ratings. One interesting piece of news is that Yu-Gi-Oh is even more fiendishly tied in
Author: Mike Sugarbaker
White Wolf: “We’re Number One! We’re Number One!”
ICV2 has the scoop, because they always do: “In the White Wolf presentation at the Diamond/Alliance Retailer Summit in Las Vegas last week, Director of Sales Fred Yelk announced that, ‘White Wolf Publishing is determined to become the #1 independent publisher of d20 products.’ The company is scaling up to
Zombies!!! Playtest Report
Play on a biiig table. It took us about 2 hours to play our first four-player game of Zombies (so figure on 90 minutes once you get up to speed), and the whole deck of map tiles did come out. You will be needing lotsa space. And if you suck
FFG: Busy, Cool, Vague
We’ve been covering them a lot lately and I don’t want them to get a big head or anything. So, I’ll offer this as a sort of capstone: their Rants page is fun and rewarding to read every week or so. Yesterday’s entry is particularly intriguing, with whispery suggestions of
Carcassonne is German For Fun, Except It’s Actually French For a City, And Um, Shut Up
A lot of people automatically shy away from all that stuff put out by Rio Grande, or Mayfair, or just anything that looks suspiciously German. German games have a reputation for being so complex that American audiences, who like to make sure they don’t lose, take hours and hours to
The Parts Left Out Of The Mythic Races Book
FFG just posted three races that didn’t make it into their new Mythic Races hardback. They’re in PDF format with art and everything. One of them is the Makhim, whom I remember from the first DiskWars expansion. Aaaaaand speaking of DiskWars, today’s the last day of that . Grab yourself
The Games Journal: Cool
I’d just like to say that The Games Journal is cool. Thank you.
Zombies Make Everything Funnier
…even the Halloween Gift Packs from Cheapass. it’s got all the Friedey’s games (Give Me The Brain, Lord of the Fries, Change, Great Brain Robbery), plus Renfield and Parts Unknown, and finally (somewhat spuriously) Witch Trial. Top it all off with 2 random selections from the Freaks and Vampyres sets
Got Disks?
Fantasy Flight is having a big DiskWars clearance sale through next Monday. If you never checked out DiskWars, now is an excellent time, and if you checked out DiskWars but thought it had problems, now is an excellent time to check out Range Wars if you haven’t – it fixed
Vortex Playtest Report
Well, I finally got to play the damned thing, after failing to pick up a demo pack at Origins for some reason and failing to tell Allan to get one at Gen Con. The demo is a fairly limited and controlled play environment… which may be why I enjoyed playing
Citizen Games Announces Dungeoneer
It comes out in March, it’s a “customizable board game” built on a grid of cards, with no collectible elements. The press release describes it thus: “you play the part of a Hero adventuring through a dangerous labyrinth of Monsters, Magic and Treasure. It is fast, portable, and easy to
Buy, Buy, and Then Buy, Followed By A 20-Minute Cool-down Period Consisting of Buying
The Game Industry Disaster Fund Auction starts in a couple of hours. You know that auctions and sweat-inducing compulsive shopping go hand-in-hand, so get on over there. It’s for the best cause we’ve got right now.
More Fun With D20 CD-ROMs
Two new D20 modules, Tapestry Saga – Web of the Widow (based in Columbia Games‘ world of Hârn) and Dark Awakenings: Guardian, feature CD-ROM material by the folks at Auran. The Hârn one seems to be CD-ROM only, but Auran’s own adventure is a 60-page book with full-color inserts and
Forgotten Realms Headed For TV
Canadian production company Fireworks, producers of the film Rat Race as well as some syndicated sci-fi shows and an upcoming “prestige TV” movie based on the classic children’s book A Wrinkle in Time, have just licensed Forgotten Realms from Hasbro and plan to produce a live-action television series based on
Vortex About to Ship, Premiere Party Benefits Red Cross
You know, Vortex, that semi-collectible hex-tile game by the DiskWars guys? The one that we didn’t review but that I post about a lot and still haven’t gotten to bloody well play? It’s back from the printers and due to ship out at month’s end, according to the Fantasy Flight