Betrayal at House on the Hill is a tile-based casual game with a haunted-house theme, set for release within the blast radius of Halloween. It’s a little unclear from the press release whether this is a reprint or not, but I don’t think it is. You’re welcome to correct me
Category: Board Games
More Sucking from Alien Menace
Alien Menace, the company known for producing cheap, humorous games and for giving a wider aucience to Mythrole Games‘ titles, has announced plans for a revised, expanded edition of Sucking Vacuum, the company’s Origins Award nominated board game. Called Ultimate Sucking Vacuum, the revised game will be a boxed product,
Risk Godstorm arrives in July
Ever since seeing the game in a case at Gen Con SoCal, I’ve been curious about WotC’s impending board game release, Risk: Godstorm. Today’s press release (below) adds fuel to my curiosity. Players seem to take on the role of one of four ancient civilizations, and start conquering the world
Rio Grande Offers More Trading and Building
A new Rio Grande Games newsletter is upon us, and the theme seems to be lots of trading and building. Games described in detail include Power Grid (a redesigned reprint of Funkenschlag), 5th Avenue (a skyscraper-building game), Goa (involving spice trading), Saint Petersburg (in which players develop the title city)
Microsoft licenses Catan for MSN Zone, Messenger
Today’s other big news is that Microsoft has picked up the license to every Catan game there is, I think (naturally including The Settlers of Catan, far and away the most successful German game in the US), for inclusion in their online gaming stable. Because it’ll be part of the
Green Ronin to publish for Human Head
Green Ronin Publishing and Human Head Studios have partnered up. Starting now, all Human Head tabletop game products will be published by Green Ronin. First up will indeed be Dracula’s Revenge, designed by Matt Forbeck, Director of Human Head’s Adventure Games Division.
Cargo arriving at DunDraCon
Some of you may understand that title, others not, so let me elaborate: Tom Jolly’s Cargo, the new strategy boardgame from Wingnut Games, will be available for the first time at DunDraCon this weekend. The neat little game of shoving crates of tea around the docks at the Boston Tea
Mongoose lays the Smackdown
In the March/April issue of Game Trade Magazine, there’s a product listing for Games Company Smackdown by Mongoose Publishing. Due in April for $19.95, it seems to be, well, a game about running a game company. Here’s the blurb: Packed full of strategy and intrigue, Games Company Smackdown is a
Mongoose Year in Preview
On the heels of Mongoose‘s Starship Troopers announcement, the company has outlined this year’s planned releases. Bruce Graw, formerly of Agents of Gaming, has joined the Mongoose staff, and will bring his Babylon 5 Wars experience to the company’s plans for miniatures games. Planned product highlights include: a new boardgames
Dracula’s Revenge comic creeps closer
This just in: the comic book based on Human Head Studios‘ upcoming board game, Dracula’s Revenge, now has an official press release (below). I mentioned the comic a couple weeks ago, but the release gives added details on the comic’s plotline, as well as author Matt Forbeck‘s inspiration for the
Arkham Horror revisited at Yog-Sothoth
Our friends over at Yog-Sothoth have scored in a major way: the site has just been allowed to post Return to Arkham Horror, the previously unpublished supplement for the classic Arkham Horror board game. Written by Keith Herber and Richard Launius, the 22-page PDF contains everything Yog-Sothoth could scrape together
A sign of economic recovery?
Rio Grande Games has released their first newsletter of the new year, and they report that 2003 was their most successful year yet. This can only be a good thing, as it presumably means lots more German games coming our way. Check out the PDF file for a taste of
Two for One at Invisible City
In order to catch up with their game-a-month schedule, Invisible City Productions has just released a pair of free games. The first, Zombie Rancher, is a humorous strategic board game of undead farming (hey, what else can you do with a flesh-eating corpse but eat it?). The second is the
Dracula’s Revenge webpage launches
Human Head Studios has launched a webpage for its upcoming board game release, Dracula’s Revenge. So far, there’s not much more than some wallpaper to download, but there’s sure to be more updates in the weeks ahead. Can’t wait to slay me some bloodsuckers.
Carcassonne: The Castle Playtest Report
I admit that our newest poll is more cryptic than usual, particularly if you aren’t already a fan of the Carcassonne franchise. Carcassonne is now large enough in Europe to challenge the hegemony of the last big megahit, everyone’s favorite settlers from a little spot called Catan. More to the