You might wanna bookmark this fellow if you’re into either minis gaming or just cool leads. He claims a focus on free and/or independent rulesets, too, which is always interesting.
Pinnacle releases Savage Worlds
Back when this was announced, I talked about how great it was that someone saw how much time it was taking to roleplay and intended to do something about it. I kind of lost track of Savage Worlds in the time intervening, but, well, here it is. They also now
Citizen goes Island Hopping
The Citizen Games website has the cover art posted for a new board game, Pirates of the Caribbean. All we know at this point is that it will be for 2-4 players, should be available this summer, and the same artist that did Dungeoneer will do the cover (Thomas Denmark,
OgreCave Interview: Otherworld Creations
Joe brings us another interview today, this time with the folks at Otherworld Creations. What is The Secret of Zir’An? Just what posessed the company to write a blaxploitation d20 game? Find out inside.
Steel yourselves
Shadowrun Duels site lifts the kimono
As part of their newly launched site for the world’s first (plus or minus one) action figure game, WizKids has helpfully provided a page that explains just a bit of what the hell you’re supposed to do with them there figures. I’m still a little unclear on how the measuring
Grey Star Arrives at Project Aon
At long last, Project Aon, the official site for free Joe Dever gamebooks, has released the first book of the World of Lone Wolf spin-off series. If you’re looking for a slight change of pace from the regular series, this is a fun one. You can find the book here,
Give me some sugar, baby
Due to high demand, Eden Studios has already begun taking preorders for both the Army of Darkness RPG (due out in October) and the card game (due in November). I, for one, am not surprised. Details on the card game are finally available through Eden’s online store, which states the
Set your VCRs, CAH is here
The print version of Cartoon Action Hour, brought to you by the fine folks at Z-Man Games and Spectrum Game Studios, has shipped to stores. Many gamers bought the PDF version around a year ago, allowing them to adventure within their favorite 1980s action cartoon. So, what does the new
Crisis on Infinite RPGs
Hero Games and just announced plans to publish a “shared-universe crossover adventure” for their respective superhero RPGs, Champions and Silver Age Sentinels. The crossover book, Reality Storm: When Worlds Collide will debut in late July at GenCon Indy. According to the release, “Dr. Destroyer and Kreuzritter team-up to conquer both
Look! A monkey!
Get it, ’cause um, diversions? Politically Incorrect Games brings you genreDiversion Quick Fix Games, “[q]uick-play rules with specific genres for times when you need a break from the extended campaign”. You know, it’s odd how this is a really good idea and a really tough sell at the same time
Games Unplugged formally gives up any remaining claim of independence
Here’s the release on GamingReport, nothing’s up yet on the mag’s site or at FFE. Funny part is, GU’s content has all been written by various publishers’ marketing departments for so long that this may actually improve the content. I think we can say with confidence now that the net
Mongoose proceeding with due speed
I’m thinking maybe they should change the company name to Monsoon Publishing, or something else that equally conveys the rapid publishing pace Mongoose has managed to build up to. Don’t get me wrong: I like having more products I can select from. During the heyday of TSR, I bought far
The Forge enters terrible twos
Clinton R. Nixon from over at The Forge just dropped us a line with this special announcement. Normally, I’d give you the abridged version, but for this special occasion, I’ll let his words speak for themselves: The Forge, a community website for the promotion and creation of creator-owned role-playing games,
James Ernest steals Origins Awards trophies from foundry, speeds away in Ferrari stolen from Peter Adkison
April Fools postings are hella lame.