The last minute panic-shopping may have set in, or perhaps you’re already eyeing game store shelves in anticipation of some gift certificate lovin’. In either case, OgreCave’s third Christmas Gift Guide list of 2004 is here to suggest the best gifts. This group describes Twelve Games Under the d20, the
German newspaper on German games in America
Gamefest translates this German paper’s reflection on the Deutschenspielen craze in the US. Devoted Spielfreaks will find no surprises, but it’s got some nice historical notes, and it’s funny to see how national pride is the subliminal source of a couple of exaggerations. I mean, “group of gaming enthusiasts whose
OgreCave Christmas Gift Guide 2004 – part two
For those of you still unsure what to buy your gaming buddies for the holidays, or perhaps plotting what to spend gift certificates on after the big day, OgreCave dutifully continues its Christmas Gift Guide lists of 2004. In this batch, we suggest Twelve Games Under the Tree (12 Games
When Greg Costikyan talks, ogres listen
And they don’t even have to sidetalk to do so. Although they might not have exactly listened by the time they post about it (did you know that many of your favorite OgreCave editors have little things called day jobs?), nor is the listening the sort that one does with
OgreCave review: A Kringle in Time
Just in time for an epic holiday-themed adventure (other than Christmas gift shopping, that is), Demian has provided us with a review of A Kringle in Time by Cumberland Games & Diversions. This downloadable adventure for the Risus system gives new meaning to the term “Christmas slay,” and yes, I
This must be some kind of sign of the Geekpocalypse
GameSpot previews a LEGO Star Wars action puzzle game for Xbox, PS2, and the PC.
Avalon Hill opens up and says arrrrrrr
Sword and Skull is due in March – it’s a pirate game, involving running around on a Talisman-esque track and saving the Sea… Dog… from the… merciless… crew of the… Wascally… Wabbit… or something. You get the picture. For some reason my Google fu is failing me and I can’t
OgreCave’s Christmas Gift Guide 2004
Each year, we try to guide our readers (and those who love them) toward the best game products to be released in the past twelve months. This year is no different. The first of our Gift Guide lists, A Dozen Games At The End Of The Bed, is up, providing
Gen Con SoCal ‘04: Some Last Notes From the Exhibition Floor.
Gen Con SoCal is over. I am looking over the last of my notes pondering the future of this convention. Sunday was blur of last minute activity running from booth to booth picking up some last minute purchases and talking to a few vendors along the way. Here are the
Deathknell getting louder
The latest D&D Miniatures preview has a look at two figures from the upcoming Deathknell set. Displayed in the preview are the Couatl, a Lawful Good winged snake with powerful spells (one of which “can strip all creatures in a chosen warband of their Flight ability”); and the Griffon, the
From the “whittling away at RPGers’ mule-like resistance to online play” desk
So, another tool for tabletop roleplaying via the Internet. This one looks fairly comprehensive and really gorgeous – I like the attention to details like GM control of screen tinting for ambience (sweeeet), and support for pressure-sensitive tablets, which a GM with a real yen for paper’s flexibility will want
Rio Grande Holiday Update
Rio Grande Games has posted another newsletter containing a couple of interesting pieces of news. First of all, it has the release status of a variety of titles, so if you’re thinking of doing some holiday shopping, you’ll know what’s newly available. More interestingly, it includes information on a special
Multi-eyed orb lurks at Gen Con SoCal
Apparently, one of the trophies at Gen Con SoCal’s Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures tournament had a sneak preview figure from March’s Deathknell set built right into it. Which one? Why, the Beholder, of course. The winner of the tournament has already posted the stats over at the WotC boards, and
Gen Con SoCal ‘04: Day 3 – Bits and Pieces
Here are a few interesting bits and pieces from today.
Gen Con SoCal ‘04: My Afternoon with Behemoth3
It was another long day, yesterday. Covering this convention by myself has been a lot more work than I thought it was going to be. I have a ticket for an afternoon game of True Dungeon today. That should be fun.