The prestigious Diana Jones Award For Excellence In Gaming for 2004 goes to the experimental narrativist RPG My Life With Master. In other news, someone forgot to renew a domain. [UPDATE: The new website for the Diana Jones Award is The host company fouled up the domain renewal, and
Live at Gen Con ’04: Prowling for promo minis
The WotC booth is nearly set up now, with mostly chairs and product displays to piece together, and a guy fiddling with a mixing board to get the booth’s music just right. Over next to a large robot-like statue (10’+ tall), a few sealed boxes caught my eye. Apparently containing
Live at Gen Con ’04: Scoping things out
Not much going on yet, but the storm that will be Gen Con Indy ’04 is about to break. I’ve wandered through the exhibit hall to get a sense of where companies will be. Miniatures company Rakham has a fairly large booth near the front of the hall with a
Right, so, Allan’s at Gen Con
And I forgot to tell him to get me a copy of Paranoia XP OR DIE. Expect a post or two by the end of the day on some products, some booths, and some crap.
I accuse Professor Betrayal, in the house, with the hill
Finally, some more details about Avalon Hill’s most original release of the year. Betrayal at House on the Hill is still a tile-based game in which one of the players turns against the others, but we now know that each individual character will have attributes, strengths, and weaknesses. The article
If you want to control information, putting your email archive behind a password is a pretty good idea
Self-exiled GAMA BoD president Treasurer Ryan Dancey says he didn’t “hack” into anything – rather, he found that GAMA’s internal communication email list archive was available for all to see on an un-password-protected web server. He claims he made someone at GAMA aware of this situation, and when he didn’t
Winter is… still coming
The rules to the expansion set for A Game of Thrones board game, A Clash of Kings, has been posted at Fantasy Flight’s website. Highlights include adding a sixth player via a modular board, siege engines, new house cards, new combat rules and rules to plan for the Westeros cards.
The eternal struggle continues online!! Because that’s what eternal things do!! They continue!!
Back when we first posted about CCG Workshop, I wasn’t sure things looked good for them, and announcements of subsequent additions to their roster frankly didn’t make them look much more like they had a promising future. Well, that’s all changed. White Wolf has announced that Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
Brigands, bazaars, and the king of the old school
A replication of the germinal proto-electronic board game Dark Tower, executed entirely in Flash, playable in your browser by one to four players. Featuring original box art and sounds. I’m going to go ahead and say it: it is perfect. You owe us a drink for finding you this one.
Wandering monster gets job with NY ferry system
Like to read RPG books? Use public transit? You might wanna find the number of your local ACLU chapter and keep it somewhere handy. Here’s why. (I was going to beat Costikyan to this one, before the technical difficulties. Damn you, technical difficulties!!)
Star Sisterz unleashed, no longer just Limited
ICv2 warns of the news that Star Sisterz is busting out of the joint it was originally sold in (that being the Limited Too store chain in malls). Wizards of the Coast is taking the collectible charm game mass market this fall, attempting to reach more young girls who don’t
Dungeons & Dragons Online details
Here’s the World War I flying ace with a summary of some devs from Turbine pimping their MMPORPG in progress. The game will be set in the Eberron setting and feature heavy character customization. It sounds as if these folks have a sincere desire to get the feel of this
Rock the vote! No… roll the vote? Hmm…
Voting for the 2004 ENnie Awards is now open. Get to it.
Paranoia XP “goes gold,” ships for Gen Con
That’s the top story, but it isn’t the real story. The press release at Greg Costikyan’s site only looks like a press release – it’s actually a handy executive summary of the various ways in which the Paranoia XP dev team used the Internet to strengthen their game before it
This one ain’t losing any wheels
Ain’t It Cool News has a mirror of an amateur video clip showing the Batmobile from the movie Batman Begins. It looks interesting, like a proto-version of the machine Michael Keaton’s Batman commanded to shield itself. We may well see an upsurge in superhero-themed games when this flick comes out