If you were really into some of the Thanksgiving downloads game companies offered up last month, prepare to wet yourself out of sheer joy. In the Christmas spirit, Dragonlance.com has a free adventure download for AD&D 2nd Edition based on The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Want to run a D&D
Author: Allan Sugarbaker
12 Games of Key 20
This holiday season, Key 20 Publishing is playing host to the 12 Games of Christmas. No, it’s not a gift suggestion list, like ours; instead, Key 20 will present us with “new schools, mods, hooks, and promos for a variety of games […] 12 exclusive gaming tidbits for such games
SpongeBob Squarepants CCG coming
Upper Deck has just announced a multi-year deal with Nickelodeon. Yes, this means you’ll be seeing trading cards and CCGs based on the cartoon shows SpongeBob Squarepants, Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Odd Parents, and Rocket Power, all of which my daughter has watched (and therefore, so have I). Of these, I
Alien Menace adopts Ill-Tempered Squirrels
Alien Menace will be bringing three of Mythrole Games’ downloadable games to print in March 2003. The Mythrole titles Witch Hunt, Shrimpin’, and my personal favorite, Night of the Ill-Tempered Squirrel will join the Alien Menace lineup. It’s great to see Tyler Sigman’s game designs from Mythrole reach stores in
OgreCave’s Christmas Gift Guide – part two
The second part of OgreCave’s Christmas Gift Guide is up for all to see. What would we suggest as the best gamer gift for $40 or less? You’ll have to read on to find out.
Mutants & Masterminds counters available
Green Ronin has posted a PDF of stand-up counters to compliment your Mutants & Masterminds sessions. The file provides 19 skillfully drawn, full-color counters, in the Cardboard Heroes style.
Cookie Fu attacks dice game market
Dice games can either be great fun (like Diceland) or uninspired. Or worse yet, collapse under their own weight, like the collectible dice games Dragon Dice and Dice Master. Entering this treacherous arena is new company Blue Kabuto with Cookie Fu!, “the collectible dice game of Kung Fu combat.” Here’s
New Review: Quintessential Witch
Bubble, bubble, toil and — ah, skip it. Joe has an indepth look at one of Mongoose Publishing‘s latest d20 supplements, The Quintessential Witch. How does it measure up against the other witchly concoctions out there? Read on to find out.
WotC setting contest finalists interviewed
Wizards of the Coast hasn’t forgotten about the fantasy setting contest, don’t worry. In fact, WotC has posted interviews with the three finalists, Keith Baker, Rich Burlew, and Nathan Toomey. Which will be the chosen one? Dunno. But at least each of them is $10,000 richer so far.
OgreCave’s Christmas Gift Guide – part one
Over the next couple of days, we at OgreCave will guide your loved ones through that most difficult of tasks for a non-gamer: buying you a Christmas present. Our first list gives the 12 Games of Christmas Morn, the less expensive, stocking-stuffer type of gifts ($20 or less). In the
Several previews from Mongoose
Another day, another Mongoose website update. This time around, we get new details on the following products: The Slayer’s Guide to Yuan-Ti The Ultimate Equipment Guide The Quintessential Paladin The Slayer’s Guide to Undead (by Gary Gygax) Not content with that, Mongoose has also added product details to the 2000AD
Final update from Hogshead Publishing
To answer the many questions gamers have about the fate of its products, Hogshead Publishing has posted a short FAQ. Much of the details were already revealed in official press releases and our exclusive interview with James Wallis. However, the announcement of Fires of Creation, the first Nobilis supplement to
All Flesh sells out again
Apparently, Eden Studios has sold out of All Flesh Must Be Eaten yet again. And why not? The RPG provides for your zombie needs in nearly every flavor, with new types coming shortly (Pulp Zombies in January, Fistful o’ Zombies in February, and Zombie Smackdown in June). A third print
Temple of Elemental Evil PC game in works
HomeLAN has a story relating to the classic D&D adventure Temple of Elemental Evil. According to a Computer Games magazine article, Trokia, the same developers behind the PC steampunk RPG Arcanum are working on a new game based on Gary Gygax’s classic module. The game, as yet unnamed, will be
Green Drow
Green Ronin has just posted a preview of Plot & Poison: A Guidebook to Drow. Lurking inside are two Prestige Classes, the Master Summoner and the Spell Addict, as well as a new creature and five martial arts styles. Continuing GR’s Races of Renown line, Plot & Poison will provide