The GenCon website has confirmed what we reported a week ago: that Peter Adkison and crew are seriously considering the creation of a third GenCon show, this one in southern California. In fact, things are serious enough that your input is requested, so head over to the site and chime
Author: Allan Sugarbaker
New Stuff: Paradigm Interview & Review
It’s Paradigm Day here at the Cave. We’ve got an interview with Paradigm Concepts for you to peruse and learn about one of the hottest D20 companies. We’ve also got a review of Lords of the Peaks, Paradigm’s sourcebook for making giants more interesting (and nastier). Enjoy!
New Reviews: Assassins, Gun-Crazy Fools, and Siberia
We’ve got three new reviews for you today, a pair of d20 products and a fun download. First, Joe gives us his impressions of The Assassin’s Handbook from Green Ronin Publishing. Then Demian tells us a bit about Full Clip, the Hong Kong action RPG from Deep7. Finally, Orion picks
Interview: Tyranny Games
Joe Kushner continues his rampage of questioning through the D20 publishers with several inquiries made to Tyranny Games. Their monk guy wandering the hall at GenCon with a huge “The End is here” sign was one of the more amusing sights this year. And flights of lost angels sing you
Into Every Generation, a Typo is Printed
To properly support fans of the new rulebook, Eden Studios has posted updated errata for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG. To further assist the hordes of Slayers out there, a new FAQ is up as well. Go see if it answers the question of why Willow won’t give you
Revised Rules for Dead Game
WotC just announced an updated version of the Chainmail rules. I suppose this is the game’s last hurrah, a final update to carry it through eternity as WotC prepares to turn its back on the system. Yeah, I wouldn’t support an Origins Award winner either. Whatever.
Mystic Eye Overruns Planet. Head for the Shelters
As Wild Spellcraft and The Witch of Loch-Durnan wind their way to stores this week, Mystic Eye Games has announced the details of their upcoming D20 releases. Sit back, there’s a bit to take in. In October, MEG will send in Raw Recruits, a 160 page Dragonstar campaign adventure aimed
Arkham? I don’t even know ‘um
Skotos Tech has announced an agreement that will bring Lovecraftian horror to online roleplaying. Under license from Chaosium, a design team has begun work on a new game entitled Lovecraft Country: Arkham by Night. Based in and around good old Miskatonic U. and the town of Arkham circa 1930, the
Two Interviews: Monte and Jim
Speaking of D20 companies, we’ve got two new interviews for you. First is Monte Cook, of Malhavoc Press and D20 in general, who tells us what he’d tell WotC to release next. Our second new interview is with Bastion Press and another former WotC employee, Jim Butler. See what these
When Miniatures Attack
Joe managed to visit the Games Workshop Chicago Game Day a few weeks back, and he’s sent us his impressions of the event. Have a look at miniatures run amuck.
Black Orc Games Interview
The folks at Black Orc Games made a great first impression on many GenCon attendees last weekend, including Joe Kushner. He’s tracked the orcs back to their lair for an interview.
Unlocking New Map Tools With Skeletonkey
Skeletonkey Games seemed to have fallen off my radar for a few months, but was out at GenCon pushing new items. Primary among these is Campaign Construction Paper, which is exactly what it sounds like: 20 sheets of paper made to look like gaming terrain, with movement squares built into
Jeseret Marches to the Beat of Multiple Drummers
Just who is Jeseret Games? Well, it’s a british company that was in the back right corner of the GenCon exhibit hall showing off Magical Arena. The game pits CCG players against wargamers in both skirmish miniatures and card game formats, simultaneously. Of course, the cards and minis can play
Of Anti-Feats and Dwarves
Kenzer & Company had one of the nice big booths at the front of the GenCon exhibit hall. There was a long, winding table that displayed the various product lines from Fairy Meat to Hackmaster, and the traditional doodle wall, of course. The Villain Design Handbook for d20 was selling
Spell Decks, Other Printings From Paradigm
Let’s face it: TSR’s old spell decks were a good idea gone horribly wrong. Paradigm Concepts has a new attempt at easy reference spell cards with three sets of Spell Decks : Mysteries of the Arcane (arcane spells), Blessings of the Divine (divine spells), and Songs of the Wild (spells