Just a little conceptual glue for ya. Plenty of roleplaying capsule reviews in this one, and Chris has a question for you which we hope will lead to a lot of interesting talk: “What does roleplaying mean to you?” That’s deliberately open-ended… give us what you’ve got below.
Author: Mike Sugarbaker
The Dreamblade dinner, or: when retailers attack!
Chris’ own title for his report on WotC’s Dreamblade reveal at GTS is subtitled “How not to make a presentation at a trade show.” So there’s your roaring start. On a happier note, he’s hearing unconfirmed reports that a new hardcover edition 2.0 of Flames of War will be announced
Audio Report: DunDraCon 2006
Allan’s recordings from DDC are up, featuring talks with Steve Kenson, Hero Games’ Darren Watts, and a raucous Steve Chenault and Joseph Goodman. Two more shows are wrapped and in the pipeline, so line up now.
Audio Report: Aldo Ghiozzi of Wingnut and Impressions Advertising & Marketing
Our interview with Aldo Ghiozzi is (finally) up. Throw down in the comments with your thoughts on the distribution channel and small publishers. And, as always, enlist or get dissed.
And now a classified ad
Since I don’t have the podcast up yet, this thing that would have been in it: Bay Area GMs are invited to come run any RPG in print at the April Fool’s Con at Endgame in Oakland on the 1st and 2nd. Pimp your favorite game and enjoy some fine
Audio Report: return with us to the thrilling days of yesterweek
In this episode, we discuss the mysterious upcoming WotC announcement that, um, isn’t so mysterious since we recorded the show. Also the various WizKids announcements, and a play report on Infinity. Stay tuned later this week for our talk with Aldo Ghiozzi of Impressions and (late of) Wingnut.
Out Of The Box distributes Rio Grande, or something
The press release is a bit vague (see below) – along with the usual boilerplate from the respective companies’ leaders about how thrilled they are to be working together, there are just a few sentences about what is actually happening. But it looks like Apples to Apples publisher Out of
Audio Report: all cons, most of the time
Here it be. Hey, if you need something to comment about, how about this: how can conventions change to serve gamers better? (Keep it at least a tiny bit realistic, please.) Subscription link, as if you still need it, is available here.
Classic BattleTech relaunches for Gen Con
Full details here, but the view from 1000 feet up is this: new core rulebooks that integrate, oh, twenty years’ worth of rules into a new, allegedly simple whole, plus some somewhat confusingly-named Starterbooks for the factions (I think), and – coolest part – an introductory box set with plastic
Audio Report: we fear the new year
That about says it all, except for how it doesn’t have much to do with the oncoming con season or Mike’s new favorite game Perplex City. And other things. Get with us as we gab it up.
WizKids announces HorrorClix for Gen Con
Here ya go. I’d wager that both the theme and the presence of “Clix” in the name are meant to appeal to collectors of plastic things, rather than gamers. Collectors are the sole remaining audience for Clix games as far as I can tell. I mean, maybe they don’t not
“Great” news about Colossal Red Dragon
Dear whoever’s in charge of writing press releases for Wizards these days: okay, seriously, I know there’s no good way to deliver bad news, but we’re not retards, alright? It’s bad enough that the D&D Minis Colossal Red Dragon will cost $75 and miss Indy by a month; that makes
Never mind the sudoku, here's Perplex City
So I’m all set up in Portland now, and I was thinking about posting my final what-to-do-in-D&D-4th post today. But I’m not going to, for two reasons. The first is that it boils down to a single sentence, “add no rules,” and the second is that, seriously, when games like
Hasbro merges toy and game departments, eliminates pres-of-games position
Ruh-roh, Shaggy. The president of the former toy division now presides over the merged department: “[Brian] Goldner, 42, had been president of the U.S. toy segment, and had previously held positions at Bandai America Inc. ‘This new organization allows us to bring the best and brightest of both toys and
Audio Report: everything is fundable, in its own way
The bulk of this week’s show (shortish, because I have to move all my stuff) is about the Godlike/Fundable announcement and various tangents. Subscribe here, comment below.