I held off on posting this earlier because the link to the game itself was broken, but 20×20 Room has some very interesting comments about a new one-shot PDF RPG called The Mountain Witch. What caught my eye about this at first was that there’s an actual stat for Trust
Author: Mike Sugarbaker
ARG: another acronym to embrace before it destroys you
Many of you likely know all about I Love Bees, the mysterious site the URL for which was flashed briefly at the end of an online trailer for Microsoft’s upcoming first-person shooter Halo 2. You may also remember the promotional online puzzle games that tied in with Steven Spielberg’s A.I.,
Rage addiction is apparently still a serious problem
Fans of the old Rage CCG have produced an entire expansion, complete with art, called Gauntlet. (“Red– Werewolf– is about to die!!”) White Wolf appears pretty proud of this – they’ve even designated the new set tournament-legal. At first I thought this was another CCG Workshop deal, like for
MSN’s Catan page looks like something all of a sudden
Those who are interested in the challenges of transitioning the most popular board game of the last ten years to the screen (not that screen – stop being difficult) might want to have a look at the updates on the official Catan Online site. You can read a developer diary
All the joke titles I thought of for this post were too depressing
Election USA‘s marketing text begins with the following: “Why not run for President in this first boardgame from Mongoose Publishing? Remember, though, you have to be a Republican!” Yes, it’s a bit of political satire from the other side of the pond (where maybe it’s a little safer, commercially speaking).
Ex-40k guy does Starship Troopers; Mobile Infantry goes “waaaugh!”
Well, now we know what former Warhammer 40,000 lead designer Andy “Return to the 36” Chambers will do next. He’s co-designing the Starship Troopers minis game for Mongoose. It’s still slated to hit early next year. Bugs vs. fascists, yummy.
Sid Sackson's legacy
I was just playing a little online Acquire (a friend of mine hacked it up, and it’s still aggressively beta so be gentle) and did a quick search to see if I remembered, back at Origins, to post about the Face 2 Face Games folks and their line of reprints
Saint Petersburg wins Deutscher Spiele Preis
The comparatively open-ballot, gamer-ish answer to the juried Spiel des Jahres award has announced Michael Tummelhofer’s card-ish market board game Saint Petersburg as its top vote-getter for the year. Here’s the whole list of honorees.
Twonky's back and you're gonna be in trouble, hey na hey na
Rumors persist that Avalon Hill will be giving RoboRally its first stateside printing in many years in the first half of ’05 – here is either a or some (other) obsessed fan’s hour’s-worth of Photoshop labor. As much as I love the game, it really needs a new edition, not
Magic Worlds 04: yeah, we went
I don’t want to sound too complain-y here; the event was professionally run, gorgeously produced, and left in the dust the nearest organized-play program behind it (WizKids, I’m looking at you). That said, for the first world championship held in the States since what I interpret as the game’s rennaissance
Finally, a coherent explanation of the war on Iraq
Just look at Rummy’s face. Clearly he didn’t make his save.
Maybe Catanians just can’t tell crap real estate when they see it
That would explain why they keep moving next to fields that only produce sheep on a 2. It would also help explain why Capcom is bringing Settlers of Catan to the N-Gage in 2005. Although the embattled portable game deck is famously also a phone, the N-Gage version, simply titled
Z-Man announces card game from PotSM’s design studio
Although there’s nothing about it yet on their pages, Z-Man Games has announced (according to Gamefest, anyway) a LoneShark card game design called Dungeonville for sometime before year’s end. For those with better things to do than remember, LoneShark is Mike Selinker and James Ernest, creators of that out-of-stock piratey
Spanish Main expansion planned for March, third printing of core set planned for never
This bit of news is not terribly surprising or rich in details, nor has it been officially confirmed by anything resembling a press release. Normally I’d hold off on posting it on that basis, but “Pirates of the Spanish Main will get an expansion” is about as shocking as “winter
My Life With Master takes Diana Jones (award, that is)
The prestigious Diana Jones Award For Excellence In Gaming for 2004 goes to the experimental narrativist RPG My Life With Master. In other news, someone forgot to renew a domain. [UPDATE: The new website for the Diana Jones Award is www.dianajonesaward.org. The host company fouled up the domain renewal, and