Should it worry me that Amazon is pairing this book with Exemplars of Evil?
Author: Mike Sugarbaker
WotC’s series of tubes still clogged 14 hours later; video trickles out
(For those of you just joining us, Wizards of the Coast announced D&D 4th Edition and their web server turned into a small pile of crisped meat. Also, the new edition will be accompanied by a big online product, which is sort of a part of this other Gleemax thing.)
WotC posts mysterious page starting with ‘4’
I would not put it past them to just be messing with us, though. And I kind of mean that. Update: oops, foreign distros spilled the beans – D&D 4th Edition has indeed been announced. Unless, as we must always allow for, someone is just completely making stuff up. Here
Taste the fearsome beak of critical standards!
I’m kind of excited about The Owlbear, a new group blog devoted to RPG criticism, founded by some denizens of and other such haunts. Before you assume that this new venture is going to be a big fat hippie-gaming love-in, read their introductory post in detail: “Those who are
Origins Awards happen
That alone strikes me as news at this point. Moreover, they happened strictly via in-person vote at the show, and this seems to have produced sensible results all while not falling over or catching fire. Kudos! Highlights include the accepter of Paizo’s periodical award for Dragon Magazine thanking WotC for
Audio Report: when two wizzes go to war
… it ain’t a Tom Jolly game, baby. Get our squad’s analysis of the WizKids/WotC patent suit, plus a complete rundown on KublaCon in this episode, and of course get stocked up on backstock over here.
Audio Report: we still do that
So here we go. Sorry for the delay. You can still subscribe and access old shows over here. We have one more in the can, going out later in the week.
Hail Gleemax! WotC creates marketing initiative that actually makes some sense
Here’s the news version, and here is the somewhat less comprehensible thing itself. The announcement talks pretty big talk about a new social hub for gamers, and frankly, WotC’s assessment of the problem they face is dead on. “We’re slowing down in terms of recruiting that next generation of hobby
Attention motorists: Perplex City is closed
Yeah, I saw the news and didn’t post because it just made me unhappy. (Especially when people started asking, right there on the goodbye posts from the story team, if this was all a setup to the start of season 2. For some reason the jackassery of which the Internet
A brief technical note
We have changed our blogging engine to something halfway decent. Please let us know about any bugs or problems you might come across. Thanks!
Spiel des Jahres nominees for 2007 announced
Not sure exactly how behind this one we are, but it can’t be too long because there are still a couple of these games without English editions. The one I’ve seen in stores most often is Arkadia, and I’m interested to learn of this animal-themed sequel to the simple-but-deep card
Star Wars PocketModel CCG rules are online: definitely the most 3D card game ever, or something
Here’s the lo-res PDF of the rules (still not necessarily something you wanna choke down if you’re on dialup). I’m classifying this one in “Card Games” now because there appears to be no component of miniatures or positional play, or indeed any gameplay-based reason for the models to exist at
WotC games patents, patents game
By virtue of the madness of patent law and a product they once insinuated wildly in their catalog but never produced, Wizards of the Coast has patented constructible strategy games. The filing dates back to 2002 and, to be fair, is narrow enough to exclude anything that doesn’t involve losing
It’s neuron-donation time again: do your part for meaningful data in the tabletop games industry
That’s right, the OSU Games Research Project is back for another round of mayhem and web-based surveys. As I write this, I haven’t taken the new survey yet, so I don’t know how it’s different, but I do know you should probably take it now.
Audio Report: one GTS 2007 wrapup, partial
OgreCave lackey Steve Kani got himself out to GTS ’07… for one day. What jumped out at him while doing his rounds as a retailer? Listen to our GTS post-show show and find out. Also, a question for roleplayers: how has party unity been a factor (or not) in your