I’m tempted to declare it Matthew Monday due to all the reviews he’s sent in that are up today. First, he tells us about the d20 adaptation of Caverns of the Snow Witch by Myriador Ltd. Then he regales us with the ups and downs of Signs & Portents #1,
Suave in-store campaigns for Avalon Hill
This looks seriously freakin’ hot. Avalon Hill’s official incorporation into WotC is bearing fruit: “Wizards of the Coast is producing its first board game expansions as part of this program. The expansions, which are taken home by the winners of the event, will serve to alter play for experienced players,
Custom Trivia from Invisible City
It’s game of the month time once again at Invisible City, and this time it’s something a little different: 1,000 Blank White Questions, a trivia game in which the players make up all of the questions. You can ask anything you like, but you run the risk of losing points
Massive Mongoose
The next D&D tome headed out the door at Mongoose Publishing is the Slayer’s Guide to Giants. With the same expanded size as the Guides to Undead and Dragons (128 pages), the new book gives giants the full treatment. Gamemasters can expect to find Half-Giant and Giant King templates, giant
Witchfire Compendium planned by Privateer
Those who got wrapped up in the story of the Iron Kingdoms and the Witchfire Trilogy will love hearing this: Privateer Press plans to compile all three adventure volumes into one hardcover book, updated for D&D v3.5. The compilation will come complete with two “interludes” that connect the books, the
Creepy Freaks creep ever closer
Another Creepy Freaks preview figure is on display at the WizKids site. This time we get a look at Patches, a demented zombie teddy bear straight out of Akira. Of the figures we’ve seen so far, I prefer Jar Head. Can’t go wrong with a brain in a jar.
As a matter of fact, you haven’t heard it all before
Jane’s RPGnet report on girls at Gen Con does not read like the eleven million “women in gaming” articles you’ve already read in your short, damned life. Jane gets the perspectives of four specific people and focuses on that, not the same old generalizations. Women already feel like outsiders too
More Ultimate Prestige on the way
As Mongoose Publishing has informed its mailing list, the next volume in the Supplementary Rulebook line is on the way (but aren’t all third party D&D supplements “supplementary rulebooks”? Never mind…). Ultimate Prestige Classes II will pull together another 256 pages of classes from more than 45 sources, all expanded
Carcassonne 2-player spinoff, Puerto Rico card game before end of year
While I was at ICv2, I found this stuff about Rio Grande’s recent successes and big plans for the rest of the year… mostly for September. The lede is about the 2-player Balrog game or whatever. We’ll see about that, but I’m excited that Carcassonne and Puerto Rico may be
More schadenfreude: WotC Stores steadily closing
Revealed in the details of Hasbro’s just-released quarterly report are gruesome numbers regarding the retail arm of Wizards of the Coast. From the article: “With no purchaser for the chain, and an apparent inability to make most of the stores profitable, [Hasbro] appears to be willing to continue to close
Next wave of SR figs pushed back two months
Want more Shadowrun figures and want ’em now? Nyaah nyaah. Now they aren’t coming until December. All the schedule changes can’t be endearing WizKids to their fans, but at least the company is starting to show signs of knowing its limits.
OgreCave contest: P3 – Phil’s Plethora of PDFs
You like winning free stuff, right? Then have a look at our new contest, Phil’s Plethora of PDFs, which comes to us compliments of popular game designer Phil Reed. You know all those nifty downloadable products he’s got on his site? You could win all of ’em. Yep, every single
Gen Con ’04 date in flux
The Gen Con website has a poll up that should interest anyone who’s even remotely considering attending next year. It seems that a major NASCAR race, the Brickyard 400, has changed its dates to the originally proposed dates for Gen Con ’04. While the convention space itself wouldn’t be affected,
SJG stops hitting itself in the head with tiny pewter hammers
There’s no permanent URL for it that we can find, so we’ve pasted it below: Steve Jackson Games is closing its miniatures department, effective at the end of the month. As always, Steve’s honesty and directness in corporate communications is unrivalled and appreciated – “[t]he reason for the shutdown is
I keep wanting to say Optimus
So the folks at Bizzaro Games are working on Odyssey Prime, which they describe as a game “of Alternative Universes and Modern Covert Operations” – kind of a militaristic take on the whole Stargate thing. Even if that doesn’t float your kontiki, D20 Modernists might want to check out the