Fantasy Flight Games was having brisk sales on the new A Game of Thrones boardgame. The same box size as the Lord of the Rings game, the $40 product pits 3-5 players against each other in a… um… game of… thrones… uh, yeah. Not only could gamers take control of
GenCon wrap-up: unearth those arcana
We’ve kinda known this all weekend but haven’t quite gotten around to reporting it till now: Monte’s Bizarro World Players Handbook, better known to the world as Arcana Unearthed, has been rocking it all over the competition at the show. This whole world-of-the-Diamond-Throne thing looks to have dominant traits; will
I’m just waiting for the Hungry Hungry Hippos wargame
Oh, and I found a little more on BattleBall. Apparently it’s also a Toys-R-Us kinda game, actually branded Milton Bradley but demoed at the Wizards booth anyway. It’s been described as “like Blood Bowl meets Epic Duels,” which pretty much means it’ll kick your ass, and then take your ass’
They finally did it! Damn you all to Cybertron!
This game is fully compatible with, and properly power-scaled to, Star Wars: Epic Duels. (That’s legalese for LET’S GET IT THE HELL ON)
GenCon wrap-up: Fairies, monsters, and minis
Next to the drifts of Hackmaster products, which I confess to having no interest in, were a couple of new Kenzer & Company goodies. Though a repackaged Fairy Meat boxed set was a good bargain for the money ($40 for the original game, the two expansions, and all five metal
GenCon wrap-up: It’s your Stargate
The Stargate SG-1 RPG was prominently displayed at AEG‘s GenCon booth, a hefty 488-page tome that could probably stop a bullet. Powered by the Spycraft system, as opposed to the basic d20 System, Stargate SG-1 was an impressive package. The book seemed nicely laid-out, and packed with info from the
No longer live from Gen Con: the real photo gallery is pending, ho ho
But in the meantime, this cat has a decent one. The first couple are broken for me, but just keep scrolling. Suddenly I’d really like to know what BattleBall is.
Not very live from Gen Con: corral those electrons
Those interested to hear another outside perspective on the big news of Gen Con, and a good summation of the show’s big PC gaming announcements, can check out this convenient index of GameSpy’s coverage. This quick rundown of the WotC-licensed PC games coming out over the next while is particularly
I hated to do that… but it's the law of the West
Word on the Cheapasses mailing list is that the preview version of One False Step For Mankind sold in limited quantity at GenCon is not only a surprisingly strong game for the neglected-of-late box line, but it’s not that cheap for the money! The board and cards are in full
On having one's priorities straight
You know, I guess I can forgive the White Wolf folks for having let the creativity of the World of Darkness product line flag a bit over the last few years… because as Jane reports over at out of fear of offending the tender souls among you in the Cave’s
Rio Grande Games for Everybody
A new Rio Grande Games newsletter has just been made available, and it looks like a good variety of new products are on the way along with many, many reprints of out of stock titles. If you have small children and want to expose them to German boardgaming as soon
It’s totally different – the character’s hair is black and white, see? Totally different.
“Duel Masters, one of the hottest card games in Japan, is heading for the U.S. […] The problem for WotC and Dreamwave will be to create a separate identity for Duel Masters so that the property doesn’t end up playing ‘Digimon’ to Yu-Gi-Oh’s ‘Pokemon.’ ” Yeah, that’s a challenge all
Live at GenCon: Eberron errors
While finishing a final tour of the exhibit hall today, I ran into Keith Baker, winner of WotC’s D&D setting search contest with his land of Eberron. Apparently, there’s considerable online buzz already about what little information WotC has released, particularly the lightning train image, and the “strong presence of
Live from GenCon: Party Hard
Afterhours Saturday night is the time for the kinds of raging parties you only read about. Several LARPs had their culmination last night, in all their costumed, face-painted glory. NASCRAG crowned their mad-cap role-playing tournament winners and celebrated with an awards ceremony. Perhaps the snazziest affair was the White Wolf
Live from GenCon: World of Darkness ending. Make travel arrangements now.
So yeah, the World of Darkness is coming to an end, as Mike mentioned. I find myself looking at White Wolf with a bit of admiration after hearing their plans, and how long they’ve been secretly building toward Gehenna, the Apocalypse, the Ascension, or whatever you want to call it.