Human Head had their new d20 supplement, The Redhurst Academy of Magic, prominently on display. The “widescreen” format of the book looks good, though it’s hard not to notice that the cover text is designed to be equally readable when seen vertically or horizontally (wouldn’t want to get the retailers
Mediocre news comes in threes: White Wolf kills World of Darkness, sort of
Even bigger than the rumored announcement of a product with no colon in its title (Anthony at the store came up with that joke, although he seems to have forgotten about Exalted), White Wolf announces the Time of Judgement. When I saw they were casting this as a “Year of
Live from GenCon: WotC setting winner announced
Apparently only a couple of us news types managed to hear about the WotC plan to announce the setting search contest winning entry, Eberron, and only a few press were present for the announcement. I never heard about it, so I’ll quote the press release that was in the press
Live from GenCon: 2003 ENnie Award winners
I’ve just returned from the 2003 GenCon EN World D20 System Awards (the ENnies, for short). The awards were far better attended this year than last, and the continued partnership with GenCon has proven to have its advantages, with a projector display of nominees. Of course, that display also caused
Live at GenCon: Pale Writer soon publishing
So there’s this little d20 company toward the back of the hall, in the shadow of the largest booth (which isn’t WotC this year; it’s Upper Deck), called Pale Writer Publishing. The website doesn’t have any info yet, but PWP’s small booth has been a whirlwind of activity and interesting
Live at GenCon: Llama makes Penguins
I would be remiss if I failed to mention Eight Foot Llama‘s game coming this October, particularly because of its subject matter. The Penguin Ultimatum will follow the tradition of slightly wacky, but very solid, games the company has produced, like Who Stole Ed’s Pants?, which was runner-up on the
Live at GenCon: Indie RPGs
There’s big buzz surrounding the Forge booth! People were crowding around to check out independently created, published, and owned role-playing games. In addition to industry philosopher and The Forge co-founder Ron Edwards’s Sorcerer, there were a number of great-looking games. One that generated a lot of excitement was Paul Czege’s
Live at GenCon: The Futures Panel
Since I’m new to this whole gaming without batteries thing, I figured I should just jump right in and figure out where it’s headed. I was in the mood for some Cassandrean predictions for the fate of the gaming industry so I headed over to a seminar on that very
BattleTech fiction junkies to get the hookup online?
Longtime CBT novelist Loren Coleman is apparently now officially in talks with WizKids to write BattleTech/MechWarrior fiction to be delivered to subscribers at his BattleCorps website. Online delivery makes perfect sense for fans of this kind of material, who know exactly what they want and who they want it from.
A Game of Thrones CCG gets gamier (have I used that joke before? I think I have)
Hey, Jane: go to the FFG booth, they’re debuting a new edition of AGoT that has starter decks for all five Houses. There are just five, right? You would know better than I would. The Game of Thrones board game is also there, if it hasn’t sold out.
Live at GenCon: D&D v3.5 press conference
Wizards of the Coast held a special press-only seminar on this little game release you might have heard of, D&D v3.5. Overseen by Bill Slavicsek, WotC’s Director of RPG Design and Development, a general discussion of the changes made to the biggest roleplaying game in the world. “We believe firmly
Live at GenCon: Yes, Virginia, there is a Mage Knight 2.0
Seemingly subtitled “The New Hotness,” the big WizKids announcement was indeed a major revision of Mage Knight. This revelation, however, was not revealed to those of us in attendance until nearly two hours of build up and odd delays. Still worth waiting through, but I never got a slice of
Big GenCon announcement #1: Mage Knight refurbishment
I am dimly suspicious that we already knew about this in some way, shape, or form, and I didn’t report on it because I didn’t think it was all that big. But, still. Mage Knight 2.0 features an overhauled combat dial format, as well as new collectible pieces for terrain,
Nevermind whether it's a game, I'm just glad it's not a fetish
Our buds at have launched the first issue of their “Virtual Magazine” today, including Justin’s piece on, er, water play. It’s not what it sounds like. Anyone who’s interested in expanding their thought on what it means to play would do well to check out GGA. (GGA’s editor Jane is
Jordan Weisman and Nobilis tie for Diana Jones Award
Having just returned from the 2003 Diana Jones Award ceremony, I can now inform you that the traveling trophy has now been jointly awarded to two worthy parts of the game industry, selected for “seeing something missing, and filling that void”: Jordan Weisman, founder of WizKids, and Nobilis: Second Edition.