Hey, someone else is stepping up to the money pit: Games Quarterly magazine has its first issue on shelves, and is making most of its contents available online as well on its newly launched website. There’s a board gaming focus, with some RPG and CCG articles as well. Maybe this
Quick! Disassemble the duck!
We have noted before the tendency of LEGO to put really astoundingly good time-sucking games on their website. This one is the best balance between a turn-based puzzle game and “real time” strategy I have ever experienced. Give it some time, you’ll be surprised how deep it can be. In
Reinventing the download
I’ve been pondering the significance of DriveThruRPG.com, which recently announced an exclusive agreement with Malhavoc Press to “offer Malhavoc electronic products as secure e-Books.” These e-Books will make use of Adobe’s Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology to keep the nasty pirates out there from copying the electronic game products so
Hey, check it out, you can vote on the Origins Awards
Or, you know, the Gamer’s Choice awards, whatever. UPDATE: As you’ve seen if you’ve gone ahead and voted, as I’ve now had time to do, the “Gamer’s Choice” voting process A) reshapes your voting choices in some unannounced ways, and B) has more bugs than Kermit the Frog’s refridgerator. Let
Magic boosters now equipped with GPS signal
Okay, no, not really. But Wizards does have a new barcode on every English booster pack of Magic, starting with the Fifth Dawn expansion. The barcode will allow for easy authentication of Magic product, as well as help WotC track down “illegal parallel importation” into the European Union and elsewhere.
Dread the PIG release
Politically Incorrect Games is bringing Dread to it’s product line. In case you’re now afraid of what that means, let me clarify: PIG has made an agreement with Malignant Games to bring back Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium under the Active Exploits Diceless Roleplaying system. Do away with your
Smugglers hide at KublaCon ’04
Though I haven’t had time to sit down and make a full report on things seen and done at KublaCon this past weekend yet, I should mention one of the gems I spotted there. Smugglers of the Galaxy is a boardgame of trade, piracy, and survival amidst the stars. From
Wizards announces activities for GenCon Indy 2004
Just in time to help build hype for Gen Con Indy, Wizards of the Coast has announced its line up for the Best Four Days in Indianapolis. Highlights include the conclusion of the Living City campaign, the D&D Miniatures Championship Finals, an early glimpse (and even a few pre-sales) of
Topps dinged in Europe for ancient price manipulation
A Yahoo Finance story yesterday tells of a “relatively low” fine ($1.94 million) imposed on Topps by the European Commission. According to the story, “The Commission fined the company for an elaborate strategy to prevent imports of the children’s items [Pokémon collectibles] from low-price to high-price countries in 2000 in
Fantasy Flight grabs Arkham Horror and runs
I was hoping for it way back when, but didn’t dare really expect it. Now it’s fact: FFG will be lending their considerable graphic and marketing might to the classic, long-out-of-print Arkham Horror board game by the end of the year. So far the news is just on the poorly-titled
Shop ’til you drop, then get run over
The latest Atlas Games Dispatches post describes and shows a picture of another vehicle from Cthulhu 500, the Satanic Pushcart. The two-deck card game of Elder God-influenced racing still appears to be on track for release at Gen Con Indy in August, and will likely carry a price of $19.95.
Weird D&D reference of the moment
According to a Sci Fi Wire story, actress Judi Dench was nearly enticed to play a little Dungeons & Dragons by my wife’s favorite bald guy, Vin Diesel. This all happened (or didn’t happen, apparently) during the shooting of The Chronicles of Riddick, which comes out next month. So, were
OgreCave review: The Noble’s Handbook
With our latest review, we welcome Justin into our midst, and he’s decided to pull up a stone and stay a while. His first review here at the Cave takes a look at The Noble’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing. After his look at this d20 supplement on upper crust
Dying Earth goes PDF
Pelgrane Press has decided to release its Dying Earth RPG in PDF form through RPGnow.com. From the sound of the press release, the main rulebook and other supplements will all see electronic form, and new products will have “a decent interval between print publication and pdf release.” How long will
D&D television segment? Blame Canada
On a subsection of the Discovery Channel Canada website, there’s a new video segment on the 30th anniversary of D&D. The segment features WotC Special Projects Manager Ed Stark, and Brad King, author of Dungeons & Dreamers. Make no mistake, you won’t be surprised by the content; the video is