Okay, people, we have a problem: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that an Oregon prison inmate can’t receive roleplaying materials in the mail. Firstly, it’s White Dwarf that’s at issue (so to speak), so there aren’t any roleplaying materials in it… but the court doesn’t draw that distinction,
Mongoose lays the Smackdown
In the March/April issue of Game Trade Magazine, there’s a product listing for Games Company Smackdown by Mongoose Publishing. Due in April for $19.95, it seems to be, well, a game about running a game company. Here’s the blurb: Packed full of strategy and intrigue, Games Company Smackdown is a
Love still in the Cave
There’s only a little over a week in our Ogres in Love contest, in which we’ll be giving away a copy of The Slayer’s Guide to Ogres, coming out this month from Mongoose Publishing. Come up with 100 words or less describing an Ogre’s Valentine’s Day, and you could well
OgreCave Preview: CyborGladiators
Matthew’s brought us a pre-release look at CyborGladiators by Firefly Games. I got to test out the game at last October’s RPGnet Game Day: Oakland, and ended up losing a limb, then the combat to a really tough insectoid. The book’s at the printer right now, so see what you
Sisterz are doing it for themzelvez
It seems like every post I make these days is about some absurd new Hasbro initiative, but here goes: the G-rizzle has obtained some info on Star Sisterz, a collectible charm-bracelet-based game that combines the popular beaded trinkets with truth-or-dare-style questions on cards. It is actually a Wizards of the
Mongoose Year in Preview
On the heels of Mongoose‘s Starship Troopers announcement, the company has outlined this year’s planned releases. Bruce Graw, formerly of Agents of Gaming, has joined the Mongoose staff, and will bring his Babylon 5 Wars experience to the company’s plans for miniatures games. Planned product highlights include: a new boardgames
Starship Troopers licensed by Mongoose
Now that Conan: the RPG is out, Mongoose Publishing decided to get the impending license anticipation building again. The company’s newest license is Starship Troopers, the grim-and-gritty story of mankind versus aliens in a war to the death. Mongoose has plans for a licensed RPG in late 2004, based on
Companies gearing up for GTS ’04
WizKids has announced their GTS premiere and giveaway, of course. But I’m hearing that AEG will have a surprise to give to retailers, too: the Spycraft CCG. I haven’t been able to confirm this yet, but that’s what I’m hearing. I’ve also heard that the next expansion set for the
Playtest report: Cyberpunk the CCG
There’s a lot of buzz lately about Cyberpunk the CCG. Around my area, much of that buzz is gamers asking “What’s it like?” or “Where can I get it?” It seems some local retailers have been reluctant to buy into another collectible game, at least until it’s a verified Runaway
Eberron cover and support details
The G.R. has details and a cover shot of the happening new campaign-setting-to-be, courtesy of their spies at Winter Fantasy. I still kind of think it has a dumb name, but the logotype is pretty appealing actually. I hope they don’t go with black and white art in the inset,
Z-Man plans Tomorrow Knights. Today still undecided
Speaking of comics, Z-Man Games has announced plans for a roleplaying game based on the Tomorrow Knights, a Marvel title from the early ’90s. Sounds like a cyberpunk-ish setting with mecha thrown in, which could be rather cool. Spectrum Games, known for Cartoon Action Hour, will develop the title for
Dracula’s Revenge comic creeps closer
This just in: the comic book based on Human Head Studios‘ upcoming board game, Dracula’s Revenge, now has an official press release (below). I mentioned the comic a couple weeks ago, but the release gives added details on the comic’s plotline, as well as author Matt Forbeck‘s inspiration for the
Arkham Horror revisited at Yog-Sothoth
Our friends over at Yog-Sothoth have scored in a major way: the site has just been allowed to post Return to Arkham Horror, the previously unpublished supplement for the classic Arkham Horror board game. Written by Keith Herber and Richard Launius, the 22-page PDF contains everything Yog-Sothoth could scrape together
HarnMaster free for download
Columbia Games is allowing people to download a PDF copy of HarnMaster Third Edition. With the free download, you’ll get an e-coupon toward other Columbia products. Other goodies are available as well, but it’s a limited time offer, so if you want all 160 pages of Harn goodness, grab it
Duel Masters: might not suck completely
After reading the article in Undefeated and hearing opinions from a couple of local retailers, I have to say that it looks like Duel Masters will be a credible game design as well as an actual, good business move for WotC. If you want the next Pokemon, it makes sense