Allan and I have never been RPGA types, and organized D&D play has never really made sense to me. If this page at GR is any indication, it’s making less sense to other folks as well. But wasn’t this the mainstay of OrganizedPlay’s business? Should Ryan Dancey be allowed to
*snrt* I’m awake!
Right, so, Allan’s been at the other Gen Con and now he’s at the other thing in Anaheim and we haven’t been posting really. Apparently the only news from the show is that a bunch of retailers and publishers are kinda pissed off. That, and some computer game stuff: Blizzard
Avalon Hill announces A&A D-Day
Mike Selinker dropped us a note about Axis & Allies D-Day, a new “standalone expansion” for Axis & Allies set to hit next May, to coincide with D-Day’s 60th anniversary. “Standalone expansion” is apparently what A&A Europe and A&A Pacific are called, as well. Well, okay: Selinker was really writing
Deadlands Reloaded peek at Pinnacle
The folks at Pinnacle have just posted a first look at Deadlands Reloaded. Rumored to be coming out next summer, Deadlands Reloaded will be a full-color, hardcover retrospective, telling the entire story of the Weird West in one volume. According to a column from last July, the new game will
OgreCave Christmas Gift Guide 2003 – part 3
As you’ve seen in the earlier installments of OgreCave’s annual feature, the holiday gift picks are flying fast and furious. With our third list of gift suggestions, we go exclusively d20, with A Dozen Christmas d20s. Come have a look at what the OgreCave staff considers essential reading in the
Now everyone can enjoy what Mike has been obsessing over
Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates is formally out of beta today, so if you’re curious to check out the first major, professional massively multiplayer online RPG that doesn’t hew so close to the traditions thereof, check it out. No Tolkien anywhere to be found up in here, and no lame hack-and-slash gameplay
Lunch Money expansion & sequel planned
Atlas Games has announced the impending arrival of more schoolyard ass-kickings. Specifically, Atlas plans to release both an expansion deck and a sequel to the classic-yet-twisted card game, Lunch Money. Details aren’t available yet for the sequel, but the expansion, called Lunch Money: Sticks and Stones, will be a 55-card
Quick, someone get the SuperDeck license
Yup, here it comes. Thank god CMGs have a slightly higher barrier to entry, financially speaking, or else it’d have been 1994 all over again last year, swarms of little plastic guys overwhelming us all. This original CMG (that is, the anime isn’t out yet) comes from Bandai, who are
Cheapass releases downloadable beta board game
It was on the schedule but it’s not done, so James Ernest has taken a tip from the online gaming industry and decided to let us all be his QA engineers. Jacob Marley, Esquire requires the usual pawns and stones as well as 400 chips in 4 colors, which if
The Day of the Ninja is upon us
As I mentioned yesterday, our buddy Aeon, the Ninja Burger guy, has organized The Day of the Ninja, and we’re trying to do our part. The latest Ninja Burger RPG supplement, Burgertech, has been released by 9th Level Games, sites all over the web are ninja-fied, life is good. And
New Arrowflight Goodies Arrive
In case you recently found yourself wondering “Hey, what ever happened to Arrowflight?” you can wonder no further, as publisher Deep7 has just announced the release of three new .PDF supplements: A Cast of Thousands, a licensed collection of NPCs from SteamPower Publishing; Smuggler’s Bane, a complete adventure module from
The ninjas approach
Our buddy Aeon, of Ninja Burger fame, is running a contest over at RPGnet where you can win a copy of the new Ninja Burger card game by Steve Jackson Games. He’s set it up to celebrate the Day of the Ninja, which is tomorrow. Why tomorrow, you ask? I’ll
OgreCave’s Christmas Gift Guide – part two
The second of our 2003 Gift Lists is up for all to see. Games Under the Tree: 12 Games of $40 or less is our selections for the slightly bigger ticket items on your gift giving list. You know, the games that will make a true gamer drop what he’s
The madness continues: Star Wars CMG?
That’s the rumor, anyway. Allegedly this’ll be out next year at Gen Con (the real one). You know, at least a few of these games had to have been conceived when it was already apparent that Mage Knight was starting to flag commercially. Did they think they could somehow freeze
Hey, you got your dungeons in my zombies!
That’s right, kids: Eden is finally doing an All Flesh Must Be Eaten genre sourcebook for straight-up fantasy. Dungeons and Zombies should hit in March. If, like me, you always feel a little instinctual confusion when an All Flesh product comes out – a genre supplement for a zombie game,