According to a noncommitally titled GAMA press release, AAGAD chair Nicole Lindroos and WotC RPG brand manager Charles Ryan came to the conclusion that D&D3.5 doesn’t fully meet the AAGAD’s requirements for nominees, and Ryan made the decision to pull it. “A second or subsequent edition of a game is
Author: Mike Sugarbaker
Because we need more LotR miniatures games
Jeez. Although, honestly, this one is not looking like such a bad move at first blush. WizKids obviously has the capacity to make a lot of this punch-out plastic and make it cheap, and it looks from the picture like plasticard is well suited to the sort of rack-’em-up game
Will it play in Mystara– uh, I mean Peoria?
Why you should bookmark the new Gamethink weblog immediately, despite the Orwell-esque title: “I’m shooting here for perspectives anchored in practical understanding of the possible, for rolegaming as a commercial pursuit as well as a social one.” Word up to that.
Dragon, Dungeon magazines get relaunches, ugly logotypes
Paizo Publishing has announced that, while Dungeon will be focused solely on D&D moving forward, Dragon will be widening its focus to all the media in which D&D appears: the minis game, computers, et cetera. Dragon will also include a WotC catalog every quarter. The relaunch officially happens in, of
Origins Awards nominees (short list this time) announced
Well! That didn’t take as long as I thought. No voting yet from what I can see.
Understanding roleplaying via Understanding Comics
Gamers with a yen for comics should check out this essay on “Comics, Games and World-Building” by New Zealand-based cartoonist Dylan Horrocks (whose graphic novel Hicksville should be owned by every avowed comics fan).
WizKids snafu of the month
They just can’t catch a break, can they? This time, independent retailers are less than thrilled that the new HeroClix starter sets and booster design, set to go on sale two weeks or so from now, went on sale at WalMart yesterday. Alliance Distribution doesn’t even have their allotment yet,
FFG lifts veil of reality on Cthulhu CCG
Wanna try out the beta version of the new Call of Cthulhu collectible card game? ‘Course ya do, you mugs. Here’s your rules PDF and here’s your card mockups. This is shaping up well, I think: like Duel Masters, every card is playable upside-down as a resource. I think we
Oh yeah, D&D turned 30
We in the Cave were too busy playing it to make much note. The BBC offers the best media coverage we’ve seen. ” ‘I thought we would sell about 50,000 copies,’ says Gary Gygax.” And back then, that was a low number.
Join the Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things
Well, it must be royal, ’cause it has Knight in its title: the Dark Riders expansion for Mage Knight streets today, featuring figures with riders, dark and otherwise, that can be removed from their mounts and placed on their own bases. Some figures I’ve seen might have benefitted from a
Savage Worlds brings you yet another license, plus pictures of tiny Victorians with guns
Pinnacle/Great White/Whatever has announced what isn’t really a license so much as a simple, standardized contract for people who might want to use the Savage Worlds system in their RPG or miniatures-gaming products. Basically, they get to approve your game and you pay a royalty and include a logo. They’ve
Loooonnnng lists for Origins Awards now available
From here, you can read the un-narrowed-down nominees for each category, and you can go to a form that will taunt you for not being an AAGAD member and not let you vote. Nonetheless, hours of fun.
I think I’m turning German, I really think so
With regard to that Settlers article last week, here’s some harder sociological evidence that folks like Uberplay and Days of Wonder might want to keep the complexity dialed down. Redoubtable geek-feed Boing Boing cites a Scientific American article by Swarthmore professor Barry Schwartz about the dynamics of choice in the
Another step down a slippery moon slope
If you have been to your local game store lately, as I have, then you have likely noticed that Fantasy Flight has scored another victory in their ongoing quest to make Reiner Knizia design a CCG without knowing it. Blue Moon is a two-player card game with no real collectibility
Canada sends troops to Catan – “Stop stealing our vowels!” says prime minister
Gamefest’s Gamewire cites this Toronto Star article about Settlers, proving once again that even our mildly complicated games come across as far too complicated for ordinary people. Once the article gets rolling, a decent picture of the game starts to come in, but on the whole, the conclusion comes back