
Christmas Gift Guide 2005 |
OgreCave's Christmas Gift Guide 2005
'Twas just weeks before Christmas,
And the staff of OgreCave knew
How to minimize the fuss
Game gift buying causes you.
The waning calendar year
Has brought forth some great games
Which we list for you here.
So, to further your aims
Of finding fun and good times,
Read on, and tell friends.
I've grown sick of these rhymes.
Here's where this crappy poem ends.
Once again, OgreCave rides to the rescue, guiding underinformed friends and family away from the sweater vests and neckties, and back toward quality game products. As always, we've listed some of the best releases of the last twelve months. Go forth to the retail location of your choosing, armed with the knowledge OgreCave's Christmas Gift Guide 2005 brings, and rest assured that whether buying for yourself or a friend, you have purchased wisely.
Our suggested gifts from 2005 can be found in the following lists:
Part 1 - Twelve Games at the End of the Bed (12 Games of $20 or Less)
Part 2 - Twelve Games Under the Tree (12 Games for Over $20)
Part 3 - Twelve Games Around The d20 (12 Games for the d20 System)
Part 4 - An Aetheric Guide For Christmas (Downloadable Game Products)
If these lists haven't given you the inspiration you need, the games on our previous lists are still plenty good and full of merriment. You'll find many excellent gift suggestions in our lists from 2004, 2003,
2002 or 2001. Four out of five sugar plum fairies recommend the game products OgreCave has selected over the years. The fifth one had too much egg nog and collapsed in a heap of holiday cheer.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Cave Dwellers of OgreCave!
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