MAKE THEM FIGHT FOR IT Read all about it at Baur’s LJ. Diana Jones Award info here.
WotC amends D&D4 GSL in soon-to-be-specified ways
One of the big complaints about the Game System License for D&D 4 has been the clause that says they can change it without notification; well, apparently they have every intention of at least getting word to people who read the web, and here’s us doing our part. Changes to
Battlestar Galactica boardgame preparing for jump to stores
While the SciFi Channel heads into the Battlestar Galactica home stretch, and plans for a Cylon-heavy prequel, Fantasy Flight has fired up the engines on a related project: the Battlestar Galactica boardgame website. According to the site, the game will put each player in the role of a character from
PAX East Coast officially in the works
While I was off in the wilds of Minnesota last week, Tycho over at Penny Arcade made this post pseudo-announcing PAX East Coast 2010. As many gamers know, PAX – or Penny Arcade Expo – is the game con that mixes tabletop names like Fantasy Flight and Wizards of the
A passing thought about RPG systems and conversion
So, my sleeping shadow army, riddle me this: how might one go about designing an RPG system that wasn’t necessarily meant to be played in and of itself, but was designed instead for easy and consistent conversion to any reasonably traditional RPG system? I don’t even know if there’s any
Reaper puts the lead back in leads
Not in all of them, granted – just the new P-65 Heavy Metal miniatures line. Apparently, real, honest-to-Orcus lead is perfectly legal in miniatures! That tidbit and a bunch of fascinating other ones are available on the linked FAQ. Kudos to Reaper for finding a way to turn economic necessity
Audio Report: Joe Goodman on Dungeon Crawl Classics for 4E
This was supposed to be up yesterday – a little of the ol’ epic fail on my part there, sorry – but now, in all its glory: Joe Goodman tells us just how, exactly, he is making modules for D&D 4E and publishing them before the sanctioned October GSL threshold.
Gleemax is one dead-ass brain-in-a-jar
“We’re not going to abandon the vision, but we are going to put large chunks of it on the backburner until we prove that we can succeed at the most important pieces. Those pieces are Magic Online and D&D Insider.” It’s a shame WotC doesn’t have the resources to execute
Hârn creator passes away
A few days ago, the man who created the highly-detailed fantasy world of Hârn, N. Robin Crossby, passed away after a two year battle with cancer. Yesterday, Tom Dalgliesh of Columbia Games, the original publisher of Hârn, issued a statement (below) that highlights the importance of Crossby’s influence on the
West End Games for sale, maybe
As has been mentioned on ENWorld, West End Games owner Eric Gibson has apparently decided to sell the company. After assuming control of WEG five years ago, it seems that economic difficulties have caused the cancellation of Bill Coffin’s Septimus. Fans of WEG have been inquiring about for a while,
Audio Report – 4e licensing and other ventures
In our latest Audio Report episode, Lee Valentine joins us again as we discuss the more restricted nature of the D&D 4e Game System License. To us, it almost seems publishers will require a Will save to move to the new edition. Then we move on to the Mutant Chronicles
OgreCave Reviews: D&D 4e Player’s Handbook
Lee has been hacking and slashing his way through Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Edition, and after much consideration, has provided us with his take on the 4e Player’s Handbook. Prepare yourself – the thorough review lays it all out for you, but provides insight into what may either frustrate or
Rock Band 2 full track list posted
The annual E3 craziness is going on this week, and Harmonix has chosen today to squash the unconfirmed Rock Band 2 playlist rumors by announcing the full track list (reorganized at, thankfully, and copied below). As expected, over 80 tracks will be part of the new game, all created
2008 ENnies Award nominees announced
The annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards – aka the ENnies – has announced its nominees for 2008 (copied below). Online voting for all 19 categories, plus a fan write-in category for Best Publisher, will begin on July 21, and end on August 3, so look over the list
2008 Diana Jones shortlist announced
Right on schedule, this year’s shortlist for the Diana Jones Award, established to recognize excellence in gaming, has been finalized. The 2008 nominees are: The Canon Puncture podcast Child’s Play, the charity formed by the creators of Penny Arcade The Come Out and Play festival Grey Ranks by Jason Morningstar