Electronic Character Sheets At Wingnut
The newly remodeled Wingnut Games website has posted electronic character sheets for Battle Cattle: Second Edition, Battle Cattle: Quest for the Holy Pail, Land of Og and Stuperpowers. Go grab yourself the ones you need. Regular character sheets simply won't do.
Little Fears Author To Write For The End RPG
Jason Blair of Key 20 Publishing will be writing Salvation’s Tears, an adventure
for the new release of The End RPG by Tyranny Games. Blair, who also wrote the award-winning RPG Little Fears, said, "I am a huge fan of the original game. The concept and backstory blew me away. When I was offered the chance to help support The End's re-release, there was no way I could turn it down." Salvation’s Tears will take place in the thriving colony of God's Glory, New Mexico, and "will focus on the arrival of what some believe to be God's final miracle." An exact release date has not been set for Salvation's Tears, though it should be shortly after the main game's release in late March.